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Little Flower
by C. J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Little flower . . .
why are you here?
don't you know
of rain and wind
and sun and heat?
But still each day
you bloom and flower,
you give off a pretty scent.
And yet, when
cometh the first
storm,your life
will end.
So why are you here
little flower . . .?"

Verse 2

"In response . . .
a still small voice said,
"You don't understand.
I send the flowers
as I send the birds
and beasts of the field
and surely man
as I send you.
For time is mine
and mine alone
and there
is no living thing
who's days
are not numbered
and known
to me . . ."

Verse 3

"So this flower . . .
which you questioned
just now
requires not
what I require of man,
but yet it's mission
is almost the same.
It comes to bring beauty,
to make each day
easier for someone
to bear.
It comes to
set an example
to be known
of what beauty
is or could be.
It is an example
of what it means
to serve, to do
as it is called
without murmur . . ."

Verse 4

"So you see . . .
this little flower
worries not
of wind and rain
or of sun and heat
or of storm or strife.
It serves steadfast
in a field
or a garden
or on a mountain height
or a shore lonely by the sea.
But it serves
as it is called
in my vineyard
and says simply,
Thy will be done . . ."

Verse 5

"So man . . .
learn from
this little flower
you question so.
Do you serve
and murmur not?
Do you come to bloom
each day new?
Do you not concern
yourself with the world,
but think of me
and love to serve?
Do you set the example
for others to follow?
Do you know
in whose vineyard
you're called to serve . . .?"

Verse 6

"My son . . .
my daughter,
I love you so
and as this little flower
is one of mine
so are you.
So forget me not
as I will not
ever forget you.
Remember it is
my time, not yours
my work, not yours
my vineyard
and you volunteered
for the work . . ."

Verse 7

"So now . . .
go forth
among the fields
upon mountain
along the shore
worrying not
of worldly things
of man's approval
or of his fame.
Go forth
to my vineyard
to my service
to my work
and as this flower
too will pass from Earth
so will you
your days are know
and I know them all . . ."

Verse 8

"Then left . . .
this still small voice
from my presence
and I found
myself alone kneeling
next to this little flower.
And so on my knees
I weeded and pruned about it's base
and watered it's roots
with the tears
still freely falling
from my eyes
which saw spiritually
now all I'd missed.
And only seeing now
the worlds sights
blurring in comparison
among my tears freely falling. . ."

Verse 9

"And now . . .
I depart the field
where are found
this little flower,
and also found
this divine knowledge
of who I was
of why I was here
and of where I might go
if but worthy.
As this little flower
to withstand
wind and rain
sun and heat
storms and calm
without compromise
of my mission here.
To serve my Father
and honor His Son,
so I leave this field
to now prune
and cleanse my own . . ."

Verse 10

"Little flower . . .
Thank you
for being
where you were
assigned to be.
Thank you
for seeing
and beckoning me
to stop and pause
to share this time. So I could
learn of like you
how I too
might blossom and bloom
through wind and rain
or sun and heat
and storm and strife
without murmuring
about my life.
That someday
I too might learn
to feel, to know
the Father
and His Son.
Thank you
little flower
for sharing
with me just now
this moment
in space and time
the quiet reverence
of the Masters touch.

(These poems were written during
the third General Session of Conference,
during the first hour.)

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