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"Having knowledge"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Knowledge is not
as important,
as knowing what
to do with the
knowledge you have.

Verse 2

Knowledge without
a spiritual testimony
of the gospel will
only gain unhappiness
and bitterness.

Verse 3

Any intelligent being
can confuse and
undermine the beliefs
of an intellectual testimony.

Verse 4

However this cannot
happen to one
with a spiritual testimony.

Verse 5

One who listens to the
prompting's (whisperings)
of the Holy Ghost.

Verse 6

In the Old Testament we find
"... those who keep my
commandments, statutes
will be known as my people,
and I will be
known as their God."

Verse 7

Thus having knowledge
has value in our
mortal probation
only as long
as we know
why we have it
and what it is for.

Verse 8

Many with knowledge
try to control others
without the strength
of testimony
or understanding
of love and the gospel.

Verse 9

Task 102 is for us
to learn to share
knowledge as a blessing
not a curse or worse
the threat of damnation
for this is not so.

Verse 10

We must also understand,
that being a spiritual giant
is significantly different
from being
an intellectual giant
and the two will never
be mistaken as
the one.

Verse 11

The spiritual giant
will be humble
forthright and strong.

Verse 12

The intellectual giant
will retreat to others.

Verse 13

The spiritual giant
represents our
Heavenly Father
and never has to
retreat to anyone.

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