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"Do You Know the Sabbath?"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

That once on a Sunday
people actually had prayer
now we learn that today
people really no longer care.

Verse 2

In some countries it was
to work was against the law
and the law was because
Sunday the church bells call.

Verse 3

It used to be the Lords day
now is a day to work so others
can go out to buy, eat or play
not to think of Elder Brothers.

Verse 4

The Sabbath we used to call
a day for rest and to worship
now just a few worship at all
most have forgotten discipleship.

Verse 5

Even a few call it a nothing day
for they cannot conduct business
it's for sure they don't like lost pay
not realizing their own foolishness.

Verse 6

But be happy for not all will say
who remember the commandment
"Keep holy the Sabbath day."
and then forget what was meant.

Verse 7

So on the day you celebrate
the Sabbath day to be for you
remember who you consecrate
and to His laws be forever true.

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