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"The Distance of Love"


Verse 1

How far it is to find
the exact distance of love
to measure from one heart
the intervening space to another's
if the love is un-measurable.

Verse 2

If the spirit can transverse
the entire universe to testify of Christ.
How much simpler it must be
for him to cover the distance
between two hearts in the same sphere.

Verse 3

There is no distance to be measured
yet the distance is infinite too.
True love is found in the Savior
enters your soul with you
to another it is forever.

Verse 4

And how long is forever?
In man's time and space it has
no concept to understand.
Yet for our love to be measured
the Saviors love for us would also.

Verse 5

Thus the distance between two hearts
is no more than infinite than love;
while to be cherished with Father
the distance would be forever;
so the only measurement is truth.

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