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"Boyhood Dreams"

Verse 1

To want to say hello
without wondering
another's thoughts,
To want to be loved
without the pain
of another's rejection,
To want to share
in simple caress
in times of hurt,
To want to know
of happiness and joy
without a price,
To want to understand
of Heavenly Father's plan
and of where I am,
But when one is afraid
to be worthy
to have such dreams
we need to be close
to hold a hand, caress a tear
for each child of Heavenly Father
needs fulfillment
of these boyhood dreams.

"Crumbling rocks . . .

Verse 1

"Crumbling rocks . . .
brunt out fires
marking paths
forgotten, unknown
to but a few
but when seen
as history
long ago
when harshness
was the life lived
and survived
for to survive
has always been
will always be
the plight of man
with God
with nature
with himself
and then with others
until finally when gone
only found
will be
brunt out fires
and crumbling rocks . . ."

"Her being . . .

Verse 1

"Her being . . .
inspires all to comfort
and form new bonds
while others beguile
she presents truth
while others lead astray
she councils honor
while others flounder
in confusion
she knows who she is
a daughter, a wife
a mother, a friend
with royal birthright
from a loving
Heavenly Father . . ."

"As a father . . .

Verse 1

"As a father . . .

goes forth each day
to find the means
to teach, to love
to forgive, to understand
to correct, to refine
must we seek to be
for our children
need the strength
of another
to define their person
for if not from us
then they will define
the who and what
from a world
that teaches
no right or wrong
no white or black
no good or evil

Verse 2

and when these
attributes are taught
we find withered
our children
sad and alone
for life without meaning
without clear definition
and understanding
is not life, but death
and this is not the plan
so we too
must find the means
to teach, to love
to forgive, to understand
to correct, to refine
to go forth each day
and love
as the Father . . ."

C.J. Ingerson

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