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"How do you Befriend an Angel"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

To befriend is to take
one into confidence
with the trust for the sake
of ones independence.

Verse 2

With an angel as a friend
you know it is from above
and will surely never end
an eternal kind of love.

Verse 3

So when you get to task
number 82 on this mortal
probation's lists to ask
the angel about being immortal.

Verse 4

Thus will you know on earth
we have friends who serve us best
some even since early at birth
to adjust and get along with the rest.

Verse 5

But to our special friendship
between us and an angel now
who is about us now to fellowship
and will remain with us somehow.

Verse 6

For anyone can be your angel today
Heavenly Father has work for all to do
so regardless what other have to say
you and I especially know this is true.

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