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"A Special One"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Many of Father's children
have come to Earth before
some small, some sick
some huge, some crippled
some with birth defects
in all different shapes,
sizes, and all just as cute
as only a baby can be
we see not the baby now
only a friend we used to know.

Verse 2

For some reason this one
is more special than others
they touch us like no one has
our hearts reach out to them
as their little hands cradle us
we are caught between now
and a time before just when
our friendship had formed before
a special bonding which held us
forever in a relationship of love.

Verse 3

Why Father we ask of Him above
wherefore do these feelings come
is it we were in the Garden once
did we join and sing in the choir
were we soldiers together before
did we share the bond of sisters,
brothers before this earthly call,
what is it that attracts us now
as drawn by magnets together
will we ever understand this love?

Verse 4

It is okay not to know the why's
I'm sure someday we'll know
as the tears shall freely flow
then as they do in this feeling
of love so strong it has to be
only from something special
which happened so long ago
or as the poets and writers
often quote and say we all
were kindred spirits once before.

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