Centaur's Meadow


Chiron, the wise old centaur and repository of knowledge, is guiding the quest for knowledge for those who wish to learn. In this case, though it may seem to be the Magic of Ancient Mythology, it is truely only the Wonders of Modern Technology.

unafay's home page Oil Painting, Poetry, Prose, Photography, Miscellaneous Knowledge & Skills dating back to the Druids and Egyptians, created and compiled by a modern-day Steel Magnolia.

Topaz Global's home page Sister and Brother-in-Law explain their entrepenurial endeavors

these sites still under construction, your patience and understanding while we learn is appreciated (anybody seen my dictionary or thesaurus? )

questions? comments? critique? advice? Centaur's Meadow (apologies for quality & content, still learning html, it's always the most difficultest too pruph reed ur owne stuph>

anybody figure out why counter does not always count?

Pictures at the Farm

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