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The End of An Era

Greetings, Bronzers! :) :) Are we all surviving rerun hell?

My name is Chelle and I am the creator of TNWC, a club that is around three years old. I'm gonna keep this pretty short and simple. I want to begin by thanking the people who supported me and the 'guidelines', and even the people who challenged them, because it made me think. :) (not an easy task to do.)

However, I'm not in a place personally where I can be responsible for the upkeep of this site or the drama that is associated with what TNWC stand for. So, I've stepped back and really thought about what I want. I wanna write! I wanna chat with friends! I wanna be selfish! I don't want to be a puppet in any kind of play that is being plotted at the Bronze. What I decided was to pass the Bronze baton onto the Alternative Watchers, a wonderful group of people who also have the best interest of the Bronze at heart, that are willing and ready to accept my resignation and pick up where I'm leaving off.

I've given them the code to the Guidelines, which you can find here:

By disbanding TNWC, I have a wonderfully fulfilling sense of closure. This club was formed in a very rough time at the Bronze, and I'd like to believe that we've all overcome those obstacles and were made the better for it. This chapter of my life is closed and I won't be looking back. I plan on writing a ton of Buffy fanfic, chatting with people at the Bronze TPB, and supporting those who want the Bronze to be a fun, thought-provoking and stress free experience.

The Alternative Watchers are embarking on a journey now. A journey that I hope can be handled differently than the one that TNWC traveled down. The Alternative Watchers have a clean slate, something that TNWC never really had, and I certainly hope that you will all find it within yourselves to put aside any differences that you may have with individuals and just enjoy the show, the fans, and the internet.

I plan to. I already am.

In closing, I would like to thank you all again. Thank you for embracing me into this community, for debating the show with me, for allowing me to post my poetry, my fanfic links and most of all, for those of you who helped me and stood beside me regarding the guidelines, I appreciate you wholly. I am no longer affiliated with any clubs who will be posting these guidelines, but in my heart, I back them completely.

This is Chelle.

And that's the end.
