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Gabriel Raam

A human-being, upholder of truth who has gone a long -long way to attain his present spiritual , mental and being capacity.

A  thinker, Philosopher, Existentialist, Theologist, author of the books:


  • Journey into the Inner Being

  • Life, Reality and the Unseen

  • Book of No - Outsiders, Rebels and Non-conformists

  • The Art of Conversation

  • Not Everything Is Words

  • Postures - Messages From Within

  • Men & Women Beyond Words

  • Body Language and Nonverbal Communication

Living in Israel



  Wake the consciousness up, ignite the spark of rebellion and come back to the inner being



Being is the core essence of anything which is organic. It lives and exists deep inside, wrapped and burried under the abstract layers, which cover all. Being is a dynamic nucleus, existing within anything alive.

The Issue:

We indeed live - but are we actually alive...or do we just exist? There is a great difference, whether we feel it and acknowledge it - or not. We may act, live and behave as though there is someone "inside the house" - but are we really at home, connected to our inner Being? Are we present?

I have included two sections in my site, both dealing with the Being or with the absence ot it.
The "Fourth Way" section, and the "Being" section. The essays related to in The Fourth Way section are dealing with the shock caused as we 'look with horror' at the situation of a human being who lives with no Being. The 'Being' section relates to the core of the matter itself - The Being

The Fourth Way section does not deal directly with the Being issue but rather generates the necessary awareness one should have to realize the reality and the consequences of a life without the Being. It is much like a driver discovering that he drives with no air in the wheels, or like (as most of us have experienced in dreams) realizing that we have no clothes on. The Fourth Way is to do with WAKING UP, becoming aware of reality. Following the shock generated by the meeting with the Fourth Way teachings we may start to live, to BE.
At this stage, contrary to the stage of beginning the process, we should not DO or initiate anything. Here - we either are or are not, either exist or do not, have a Being - or live without it. In this stage we need to 'let it be', (see the essay by this name), without interference. This is what the section 'Being related essays' is about.It is really a two stage process: The first stage is based on concentration, projection, realization (the Fourth Way related essays.) The second stage is about letting go completely, so one can now jump the quantum leap - into Being! (These are the essays related to Being.)

If you wish to know more about the Fourth Way's approach look for the teachings of Ouspenskie, Gurdjieff and Carlos Castaneda. The Being approach can be found in three sources:
The teaching of Gido Krishnamurti, the teaching of Zen and the philosophy of Martin Heidegger.

The essays included here are my own writings, inspired by various sources

I welcome seriouse responses or comments, please feel free to e-mail me.

The Fourth Way Related Essays:

Being Related Essays:



Related Links:

Richard Hodges Home Page
Kent Palmer's Home Page
Martin Heidegger - Ereignis
Gurdjieff : Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teachings
Gurdjieff's Teachings
Spiritual TeachingsThe Ivan Illich Archive
Kent Palmer's Major Work on Being
Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity, presented by Cleargreen Incorporated
List of Sufi-related resources on the Internet
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society

English contact לאתר בעברית

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 last updated: July 12 2003

All rights reserved(C)Gabriel Raam 2003