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A C A Observers Page

Latest report from those who saw that big light in the sky last week.

I don't think you're gonna believe this, but here's what we saw just a few days ago!
There was this big fiery ball of light up in the sky all day long.
We stared at it until everything got dark.
Haven't seen it or much of anything else since then...

But, you might find this helpful...

Astronomy How to from Sky & Telescope
How to Start Right in Astronomy from Sky & Telescope

ACA Beginners Page 1 Using a Naked-Eye Sky Map
ACA Beginners Page 2 Observing Logs
ACA Intermediate Page 3 Binoculars

99 Leonid Meteor Shower
Armchair Astrophysics
Our Record of Atmospheric Pheneomena
ACA Astrophotography
Clear Sky Clocks
Telescope to Label
Telescope Parts

ACA Observing Archives

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