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Alive Forever

Who Will You Serve?

In this day and time, the word 'Love' has no meaning whatsoever. It is a misgiven idea that love is an emotion. Love in its purest sense is actually an action. We decide to love someone based on their appearance, character, financial stability, etc. When a person meets our criteria for love, then we choose to love them. We believe we automatically love certain persons, i.e., our children. But this is not a given either. How can one love a person that they really don't know, and if you love this person, how can you abuse them, mistreat them, or ignore them?

In our decision to love, we also choose whether we will love God or not. But when that choice is made, we must also live with the consequences. If we choose to love God, the consequence is eternal life. If we choose not to love Him, the consequence is eternal death.

We have the ability to learn, grow and become wise. but in our wisdom comes fallacy, untruths, errors. When we stand in the power of our own wisdom, we fail. We follow doctrines and beliefs that are so errant as to not be funny, but scary.

Now is the time we need to stand in the power and wisdom of God. For only through Him can we have any hope whatsoever. Now is the time to stand up for the 'right' thing to do, that being our complete and utter helplessness, and dependency upon God.

We are created in His image, in His likeness. We are not the creator, but the creation, and this is a fact that needs to remain straight, clear, and concise. When we begin to worship or idolize the creation rather than the creator, we are doomed.

In all the lies Satan has told over the years, one has remained through time. You will become a god, you will not die. He told this to Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he continues to tell it today. The serpent whispered in Eve's ear that she could eat the forbidden fruit, for she surely would not die. This was the beginning of the reincarnation lie. In reincarnation beliefs, you do not die, but continue on into another life, to better yourself. In discussing reincarnation with some who believe in it, I am told that you are to better yourself, but you do not have to know what you were before. My question then is this, If you do not know what kind of person (or animal) you were before, how can you better yourself?

When we stand before God at the judgement seat, we will know for sure then, that there is no reincarnation, we are not gods, but then it will be too late. At that time we will no longer have the choice of loving God. Our choice will have already been made, and the consequences will be set, no turning back. The choice we made in this life will be written down in ink, never to be erased. Never to be changed.

Some may think, so what if I don't get to be with God. Let's look at the alternative. Not only will there be an eternal seperation from the one who loves us so much that He sent His only Son. But there will be pain, pain beyond belief. So much pain you will bite your tongue for relief. And a burning. A burning that will never cease. Never be cooled. A burning that goes all the way down to your soul. And the soul never dies. The soul will continue forever. Eternally. Think about a person who has lived one hundred years. To us that is a long time. But it is like putting one more grain of sand on the beach. One more drop of water in the ocean. It is nothing. Our minds cannot honestly comprehend eternal. Forever. For all time. Without end. It is unfathomable to us.

God has already lived since before time began for the human race. Some say this is 6000 years, some say billions of years. Either way, it's a long time. If God has lived for this amount of time, imagine if you will, the expanse of knowledge alone that could be gained from being around that long. That in itself, should make us respect and honor Him. But even with knowing what would happen to the human race, He has given us a chance, but our time is almost over. Our chance is about to run out. Jesus Christ is coming back again in all His glory, and every eye shall see Him on that day. We need to be ready.

If you are one that has believed that God does not exist, do me a favor, please. Open your mind to Him and ask Him to show Himself to you. He may not actually show you a physical presence, but He will show you somehow. You will know when He does. If I am wrong, and reincarnation does exist, then I won't have to come back as a bad person for trying to live my life right this time. But I believe that when this body dies, my spirit will go back to God, who gave it in the first place.

Jesus Christ said 'I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.' If you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you must go to Jesus. He is the only one that will tell you the truth, no bones about it. In truth is freedom, and whoever has the truth shall be free. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

The choice is now yours. Choose this day whom you will serve.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Jesus Christ is the door we must go through to reach the Father.

Peace, Truth and Light. May they be yours, in Jesus' name.

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