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Go Light Your World

Go Light Your World

HI! Welcome to My Homepage!

Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World!

Hey people! My name is Ashlee and I am a beautiful princess.
God (the King of the Universe) is my Father and that makes me a princess.
And Because I have Him in my life, I am so beautiful!
I am 20 years old. I have a twin sister(Michelle-who looks nothing like me), an awesome family, the awesomest friends on earth, and a really nice car (2000 Dodge Neon). I have a really great job as a sales associate at the Savior's Touch (a local Christian bookstore). Right now I am working on a Marketing degree from Georgia College & State University. I hope to eventually own my own Christian bookstore.

The best thing Jesus has done for me was to die on the cross for me. He died so I could live. The salvation that I have through that sacrifice is the best present anyone can receive.

God's given me a number of opportunities to serve Him. I've known since I was 8 years old that I want to be some sort of missionary. God gave me the opportunity to go on my first mission trip the summer after my tenth grade year(1999).I went with a group of youth from around Milledgeville to Anchorage, Alaska. Since then I have been on mission trips to Helen, GA; Kingston, Jamaica(2); Salt Lake City, Utah(now that was an interesting trip!); and McCloud, California. This past summer(2003) I was fortunte to be able to go on a mission trip to Buffalo, New York with my boyfriend (Jed Humphries) and other youth from around Georgia. If it didn't get so cold up there, I would so move there! Niagara Falls is one of God's most gorgeous creations! The Majesty of it all!

If you would like to chat with me, my AIM Screenname is OneGirlAshlee (taken from one of my favorite bands: Five Iron Frenzy).

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A Lesson for Girls

My Mission Trips(not done yet)

MY TESTIMONY!(updating soon!)

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These are some of my favorite poems.

The ones with a * beside it are the ones that I have written.

*In The Clouds*

The Road Not Taken

*The Cat That Had Nine Tails*

Once By the Pacific

Hell is Real!

The Old Man and St. Peter

*One Day*

A Shop In Heaven's Grocery Store

The Piano Man


*My Joy!*


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