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Hi, I my name is Mary, hereafter known as Campbell, and this is a page to let my friends and colleagues know how I am and become more familiar with things that I am interested in. The page title is a combination of my two favorite things, Geology and my Scottish Heritage.

About Me:

Welcome to my world *insert evil laughter*. Have a seat, stay a while. In my world you'll find things related to rocks, books, television, Scotland, and all things Celtic. Highlander. I just finished field camp this summer in Montana and have some wonderful pictures posted.

Here are some of my Favorite things...
  • My Husband :-)
  • Scotland
  • Celtic Music
  • Geology-Volcanology & Seismicity are favs
  • Highlander Television Series
  • Books (Primarily Nora Roberts)
  • Here are some cool links

    Campbell's Scotland Page
    Campbell's Celtic Page
    Scientific Volcano Sites
    Another Scientific Volcano Sites
    Campbell and Wess' Wedding Pics
    Campbell and Wess' New Home

    Some words of Wisdom for the Weary:
    Happiness is not a station in life, but a road well traveled.
