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This is my beautiful and cherished collection of writings from other angels I happen to meet along my merry lil' way. They are all very talented and kind people, so please take your time in reading over thier work...they deserve it.

The spell of sorrow
binds deeper in the darkness
A veiled sleeve
sweeps across haunted eyes
Brushed away tears
sparkle as distant stars
in the endless velvet of the deep night sky
An awaited touch
the breath of an answered mystery
burns brightly
before vanishing, forever lost
and an endless sorrow
spills in the wake of darkness left behind....

A song of sorrow stirs
and leaves the heart forever changed
Cupped starlight in her hands
the silver tendrils spill
In the silence of the Moonlight she stands by the sea
whispering spells against the misery
now like the tide slowly rolling in

Within my circle
silent moonlight glistened
In the quiet pool of fallen tears
her visions danced
And sorrows wisdom whispered
in the dark and haunted eyes
reflected there . . . .
An eternal memory
of the flames from which she arose
testimony to the broken soul
now only ashes upon loves smoldering pyre
that had so long burned within her . . .
The child is gone now
but her innocence lingers
A ghost within a haunted spirit
crying to the Phoenix
awaiting Her dreams
'Til the clouds return
and within my now darkened circle
it is only the cry of a nightdove
that echoes through the night . . .

The shimmer of light within her eyes from inner dreams fades softly,
veiled by the shadows of darkness wrapped around her soul . . .
fingers stir a dark pool . . .the water swirls and ripples slowly spiral . . .
Searching the dark waters of my own tears, maybe to find in this sorrow what haunts her still........
Let fall the cloak of shadows.... a pale soul shimmers within the darkness, bared.....down on her knees....haunted eyes lift from their search......
"Desire is hunger, is the fire I breathe...Love is the banquet on which we feed . . ."
Yet that which is desired, denied, is now the deepest fear . . . .the white lace of innocence and love slips from her fingers......she embraces herself, locking the last light of her soul embrace never again to unravel.....
something too deep was reached for, something too sacred to the soul given away . . . .
She wraps herself again within her cloak of shadows . . . slowly withdraws into the darkness......

Reflections . . . . watching lightening pierce the darkness, for a lingering moment revealing the ocean of deepest purple hidden beneath the night . . . piercing the shadows deep within my mind . . .
Sanctuary wraps around me like death . . .broken memories stir like fallen leaves . . . change whispers all around even as I feel the unshed tears for all that has passed . . .
A battered soul still believes, dreams softly, even as the walls allow no touch within . . .
Lightening flashes brightly revealing sorrow in eyes that no longer cry . . . and in the shadows all the pain falls hidden in the soul's own inner silence . . .deep within its darkness . . . .
Innocence slips away and all its trust, and wisdom whispers its age within its place. . .still the night holds me deep within her ageless embrace, and my dreams flow freeing me from the boundaries of time . . .
hidden beneath my cape of sorrow . . . lightening flashes and the shadows stir . . .


Rage-tinted memories
bleed to crimson atrocity,
but the mind, safely keeping,
tucks it away, (no more weeping...)
Ignore the cries of reminders, then,
and if you feel a need, again,
to delve in crude-black and dripping red,
then just reach into the demons in your head.
She’s a memory, and nothing more,
but the city, like a whore
she drops to her knees and smiles,
and dares you to pass away, a while.
She’ll revive with cement kiss,
and leave you to wonder, is it all come to this?
Just survival in the devil’s city,
while angels watch from above, with naught but pity
for the masses, mortal coil,
and redemption for dust, and Adam’s soil.
Pavement spreads wide like a lover’s thighs,
with starlight eyes, and words for the wise
she dares me deeper into
the truth which I slip for, with you.
Alone am I, alone, my friend,
my road spreading with no end
in sight for me, or my path,
lest I stumble, risk the devil’s wrath.
A single crow watches from above
the clouds of gray, the clouds above
that so threaten rain, as though to wash away
the sin of tomorrow, the sins of today....
but many waters cannot keep
the bloody tears that I weep
over cold, cold graves that bear my name,
a thousand rows, but all the same.
The different names, different faces,
born and died in different places,
but my brothers, sisters, oh, I know,
I see them stretched out, row by row,
and I wonder why can it be
that Death, she has looked over me?
Vengeance is my lifeblood,
and the Lazarus heart, my beat,
and I walk around upon a dead man’s feet.
The breath that stirs my lungs is cold,
my arms ache for one to hold,
but one angel bears her name,
and one soul have I to blame.
“Home” is six feet under my stride,
“Home” is just a place I haven’t yet died
and lain myself beside my life, my love,
to join her in the heavens above.
Heaven’s gates, spread wide for me?
Oh, puppet’s eyes, let me see
that which I need, that which I miss...
I shut my eyes, and still kiss
the warm, soft lips of you, my dear,
and know that I always hold you near.


Death she waits for me,
outside the dance-room floor,
and I know she waits for me,
her arm extended to mine...
...but I turn to the city,
it’s laid out before me like some familiar whore,
and I’ll wander the streets for a while,
get drunk on that sweet, old wine.

Death, she waits for me
in the doorway of some dilapidated bar,
but I turn away,
tell her not yet....
I walk out to the street,
climb into a long, black car,
she waves to me from the doorway,
and I know I won’t forget.

My driver is night-cloaked Charon,
yeah, the boatman for the River Styx...
...and I hand him some silver, tell him to drive for a while.
He takes me out to the street...
...he looks back, gives me a smile,
turns up the radio just for kicks,
and I let him know
it’s time to make it on my feet.

I try the door, try the window,
but he won’t let me out...
....he says that Death, she waits to dance with me,
and so I give my consent....
....I know now what that boatman
was all about,
and so I head for the dance-room
that seems so hell-sent.

Death, she’s in her best black gown,
with her entourage waiting on hand and foot...
...and on her breath, the sweetest taste,
with brother Sleep, at her side.
Her eyes have the life
of sodden soot,
and I realize now, that I am to have died.

I offer her my arm,
and she, the same,
and so we move about that
ballroom floor.
And she remembers,
she whispers my name,
and she sets me free,
so I’ll have to wander no more.

(Six crows sitting upon a tree,
look, and tell me what they be:
One for sorrow,
two for mirth,
three for a wedding,
and four, for a birth.
Five for a father coming home,
and six, for a wife waking up alone.)

One raven sits upon my shoulder,
and he peers at me with that beady black eye...
...he smiles a smile I now know so well,
and he says that it’s not yet my time to die.

Sorrow is my companion,
sorrow, my only friend...
...sorrow sits upon my shoulder,
Death with no end.
Sorrow is a slight weight,
and he seeks solace from the rain...
....but I’ll offer my ticket
when I take the midnight train.

I am the seventh of the murder,
I’m the seventh of the crows...
...I walk the graveyards where the dead
sleep in silence, sleep in rows.

I am the wanderer cursed to wanderer,
I’m the traveler with my home...
...but with sorrow perched upon my shoulder,
I know I’ll never be alone.

A beady black eye stares into my own,
a midnight black eye looks in the pane of glass...
....he perches so close, so close to me,
with a cry for sorrow, and the scent of brass.
Copper tinted upon the air,
crimson spattered before my eyes...
...rain falling like teardrops,
like teardrops, spilling, from my eyes.


what have i done to deserve this?
where did i go wrong?
what had i done to push this in my path,
why can't i be strong?
my darkest nightmares are reality
that i have to face,
and the path i walked upon before
is impossible to retrace.
i'm sorry, god, i'm sorry,
just make him go away....
...i hear his footsteps outside,
and i begin to pray.
god doesn't hear me,
or he's just sick of my voice...
...because he's inside my walls, now,
against my choice.
i push probing hands away,
and i scream and tear,
i scramble back, but he follows,
i always find him there.
i can't wake up,
and i can't die.
i can't get away,
i can't laugh, or cry.
my eyes are dead,
and my soul is sick with dread... but i think i would be happier
if i were dead.
i can't see myself,
i can't see any pride.
i just feel disgust at the thing i am,
ashamed at the shame, inside.
it's an endless circle of monotony
that makes me want to scream....
...but blackness edges around my eyes,
and i just stretch, at the seams.

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