To My Love Vicki
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There is a lady that I truly love with all of my heart. She means the world to me. I know that no matter how many times that I say that I love her. It will never be enough. In my heart, she has filled an empty void that has been there. A void that I thought that could never be filled. We might not have been together in real life, but I know she is in my heart, and that is good enough for me right now. I know when the time is right. We will be together, and on that day. It will be a day that I will never forget. It is a day that I have been waiting for a long time. I don't care what we do, b/c all that I want is to be with her. All that I want to do is make her happy. Yes I know there will be times when I can't, but I will try to make those times as short as possible. Just to feel her soft skin, and her warm kiss, I would travel as far as possible to do it. It does not matter what she looks like, b/c what she has in her heart, will make anything else not matter. For in her heart is the love that could unite anyone. I just hope that she know how much she means to me. I love you Vicki, and you hold a very special place in my heart. I will do all that I can to make you happy. No matter what the cost is to me. I will put my life on the line just for you. That is how much I love you. *kisses* I hope to be with you soon. Just to be able to give you a kiss, and hold your hand wherever we are. I give you my heart, and my soul to do with what you want. All that I ask is that you love me, and everything will be ok. Love you more than you will ever know *soft kisses* Hope to be with you soon.........