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Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM, Cochran, Georgia, USA

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This is the official Home Page for Cochran Masonic Lodge #217, Cochran, GA, USA. As you will notice, there is still Labor in the Quarries, and it may take seven years to finish. We meet on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month, practice nights are on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. The Festive Board is open at 6:30 P.M. and the Meeting starts at 7:30 P.M., with the 4th Monday being Family night, bring your wife and a friend. We publish "The Trestle Board" five times a year to mail to our members, Masonic Widows, OES members and other "friends" of Cochran Masonic Lodge #217. We also send by e-mail a monthly "Trestle Board". If you wish to be added to our e-mail listing, just send us your e-mail address.

So May We Ever, Meet, Act, and Part.

Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM proudly displays the United States Flag.


Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 has undertaken a long-term charity project. We are selling Masonic Square & Compasses and Shrine Jewelry Boxes. The Masonic, OES & Shrine Jewelry Boxes are approximately 5 ½ X 5 ½ X 2 ½ inches in size. The “G”, Gator and Seminole Jewelry Boxes are approximately 5 ½ X 3 ½ X 2 ½ inches deep. The Mercedes style Jewelry Box is approximately 3 ¾ diameter X 2 ½ inches deep. They are hand crafted especially for Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM from exotic hardwoods from Central America with a velvet-lined interior. Profits from the sales of the Masonic/Shrine/OES Jewelry Boxes go directly to Masonic Charity. All Jewelry Boxes are $20.00 each w/$6.00 S&H. S&H is pro-rated on bulk orders. E-mail for bulk order S&H prices. All Shipping prices are USA only, please send e-mail for non-USA postal rates (you pay customs into your country if there is any). Please send a check to: Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM, P.O. Box 732, Cochran, GA 31014. For more information e-mail Harry A. Bruno, Chairman

For Sale: Peel off vinyl Royal Blue Square & Compasses decals designed to fit on your license plate or window, 2 inches high and 1 inch wide. 6 vinyl decals for $5.00 postpaid. Also, approximately 4-inch reflective-chrome vinyl Square & Compasses, Past Master or Shrine decals designed to fit on your taillights. Only $5.00 per set of 2 post paid. 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch Black vinyl Square & Compasses decals designed to place on the photo or list of your Past Masters who have gone on to that Celestial Lodge Above. 10 decals for only $5.00 postpaid. Blue S&C surrounded with a wreath designed especially for our Masonic Widows. 10 Each = $20.00 Post Paid. All profits go to our Masonic Widows Fund. Joe Allen, PM, Secty.; Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM, P.O. Box 732, Cochran, GA 31014.

Looking for e-mail address for all regular Masons in the state of Georgia. Please drop me a line at Harry A. Bruno, PM/Webmaster. Thank you very much.

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Updated: 2 September 2008

Our Link of the Month: Masonic Children's Home of Georgia

Our Favorite Links

Grand Lodge of Georgia, USA
Georgia DeMolay
GACHIP/Gd. Lodge of GA Child ID Webpage
The Philalethes Society
. . . A page about Freemasonry

The Officers for 2008
A Short History of Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM
Rubble from the Quarry
Maps to Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM

Email: Cochran Masonic Lodge #217 F&AM

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