4 August 1787
The Rev. Henry Archer, of Whitby, in Yorkshire, is presented by Abraham Grimes Esq.,
to the rectory of Churchover in Warwickshire.

4 January 1788
Whitby, Dec. 28. Henrietta-street, which has a cliff ascending it along the east side,
and another cliff descending below it on the west side, has by the great quantity of
rain and the violence of the late storm, been so shaken and convulsed, that on Tuesday
last several houses fell, and the earth being greatly disturbed and rent, the whole
north end of the street is almost entirely reduced to a heap of rubbish; while the poor
distressed inhabitants exhibit a very moving spectacle - more than one hundred families
being forced in the most inclement season of the year, to look out for new habitations
elsewhere. Happily amongst all this confusion and distraction, not one life has been
lost, but it is feared the north end of the street will lie desolate and uninhabited
throughout all future ages. A liberal subscription hath been entered into by the
gentlemen of Whitby, for the relief of the distressed sufferers.

24 August 1790
On Tuesday last arrived in Leith Roads, the Champion, Captain Edwards, from a cruize.
She fell in with a Whitby Greenlandman at sea, and sent her boat on board, with an
officer and a few men, who requested the men to enter into His Majesty's service;
instead of which, they armed themselves with harpoons, lances etc. and swore none
of the man of war's people should enter their ship, upon which the boat's crew threw
out a signan for the frigate, which bore down, and were obliged to show their lighted
matches before the Greenland men would give up. The whole crew were impressed,
consisting of twenty-eight good seamen, the master only being left on board. Captain
Edwards sent an officer and twenty men to carry the Greenland ship to Whitby.

1 September 1790
The town of Whitby have most spiritedly entered into a subscription to give a bounty 
of two guineas, in addition to the KIng's bounty, to such seamen as enter for Lord
Mulgrave's ship the Leviathan at Chatham.

26 May 1791
On Saturday the 4th regiment of Dragoons marched from Stamford for York; two troops
are to be quartered at Malton, one at Whitby, and the rest at York.

27 February 1793
Newcastle, Feb., 22
On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings three troops of the Inniskilling Dragoons marched
into this town from Whitby, where they had been stationed three weeks to aid the Civil
Power in the late disturbances there, but which was happily subdued by the activity of
the magistrates without their interference.

12 February 1795
On Thursday last an experiment with the Telegraph, under the direction of a Saxon
gentleman, who had frequently witnessed its effects in France and the Netherlands,
was tried at the Half-moon Battery at Whitby. It fully answered the expectations of
the Gentlemen present, as it was clearly proved, that, were proper stations appointed
intelligence might be conveyed from thence to this city within half an hour.

10 February 1796
Sunday se'nnight, a small vessel, about 30 tons berthen, was taken up at sea, by the 
crew of a cobble, belonging to Redcar, and carried into whitby; on board her they found
a man and a woman lying dead upon the deck. It appears the vessel belonged to Stockton,
and was generally employed in going to the mouth of that river to load sand for the use
of the town, and navigated only by the above man and woman. The gale on saturday night
blew the vessel out of the river, and it is supposed that the woman was endeavouring 
to let go the anchor, as she was found entangled between the windless and the cable.
The man had a hand spike in his hand, and was lying by the side of her, when found,
having expired through fatigue, and the inclemency of the weather: they were both
interred at Whitby on Tuesday last. The man was 74 and his wife 67 years of age.

19 April 1796
Bills before the House of Commons included Moorsom's divorce.
(See separate report on the difficulties between Moorsom and his wife)

26 December 1796
Guildhall, London, Dec. 16
Sittimg before Lord Kenyon and special juries of merchants
Harrison v Miller
This was an action brought on two Policies of Insurance, which were effected on the
Ann and Elizabeth, at and from Dantzic to London
Mr.Garrow said he should content himself with proving the loss. He understood they
were to be furnished with some objections in point of law. He did not expect that
the Defendant would make any such objections; 1st because he would be ashamed to do
it, and 2ndly because he did not think it would be for his interest, and, 3rdly
because the Defendant had paid the money into Court, exceeding the Premium. The 
Plaintiff and Defendant, as appeared in evidence, lived at Whitby, and were Members
of what is called the Whitby Association. All the Members had signed the Policies 
in question. The Association consisted of a number of Gentlemen, the Proprietors
of ships, each of whom, in proportion to his shipping , paid a certain sum, which
being collected together, made the stock of the Association. There were the Members
of the £1000 Club and also of the £500 Club, and the policies were signed by all of
them. They were all insurers for each other, according to the respective values of
their ships; and when any loss happened, the Treasurer paid it out of the joint stock
of the Association. Mr. Miller's share was £14. every individual was only liable for
the sum he had underwritten.
Mr.Erskine, on the part of the defendant, objected to these policies in point of law.
He said his Lordship knew that a very great sum of money had been advanced by two
Corporations of this Kingdom.
Lord Kenyon - "This does not infringe on the Act of Parliament, as far as the Members
of this Association have underwritten in their individual characters; but they cannot
underwrite for themselves and partners. If all of them were liable up to the extent 
of their whole stock it would be illegal. I am bound to take care that the Act of
Parliament is not vacated. The Corporations that have been mentioned, were purchasers
for a valuable consideration to the Public, and therefore their rights must be 
protected. At present the Members of the Association only stand as individual 
Underwriters for small sums."
It was at last agreed to be referred to some Gentlemen, to say whether the money paid
into Court, in this case, was sufficient to cover the loss.
(All complicated legal stuff, but interesting explanation of the Whitby Association)

13 February 1797
William Hudson, Whitby, Yorkshire, linen-draper, 

11 June 1798
The Durham Fencible Cavalry, commanded by Lord Darlington, are ordered from Dumfries to 
replace the Berwickshire, at Whitby.

16 January 1799
On Thursday, 3rd inst., a cutter-rigged privateer appeared off Robin's Hood's Bay, lying
in the common ships' track; she took a loaded brig, and drove another upon the rocks at
Peak Steel, where she was totally wrecked. It is reported that this vessel is still 
hovering upon the coast. The usual signals, denoting the appearance of an enemy, were
displayed from the East Cliff at Whitby.

20 July 1802
Court of King's Bench
Stitt v Borrowdale
This was an action upon a Policy of Insurance upon the ship Hiram, of and from Whitby to
New York - It appeared by the evidence of the mate, that they sailed from Liverpool, Sept.
14th, 1798; that they put back to Whitby the 17th, from whence they sailed again on the 
18th: on the 5th of October they were captured, but were recaptured on the 25th, and
brought into Plymouth; that they suffered so much at sea that wo-thirds of their cargo,
which was salt, had been washed away.
Mr.Erskine said his only objection was a point of law, namely that the goods were put on
board at Liverpool, and that the policy, therefore, could not be supported, which was from
Whitby to New York. To this point he produced several cases. It was answered that this was
an insurance upon freight, and not upon goods, and therefore the cases upon the subject 
did not apply.  
Lord Ellenboroug was of the same opinion
Verdict for the Plaintiff

8 December 1802
Life-boat at Whitby
OnmOnday last, about 11 o'clock am, nearly at low water. the wind bowing strong at E.N.E., 
with a heavy sea, the sloop Edinburgh, Joseph Poole, Master, Coal loaded from Sunderland,
attempting to enter the harbour at Whitby, grounded (as was expected) a considerable 
distance from the Pier Head. A cobble which had, with some difficlty, got over the Bar,
for the purpose of giving assistance, being struck by a heavy sea, was instantly upset,
and the people, three in number immersed in the water. Being good swimmers they gained the
shore, nearly exhausted by their exertions, and were conducted up the beach by some saiors
who, at the hazard of their lives, had ventured among the breakers to receive them. While
the cobble-men were struggling with the billows, which frequently overwhelmed and hid them
for a considerable time, from view, the Life-boat was brought down and launched into the
water, when some sailors, with the greatest alacrity, forced her through the heavy surf,
and though too late to render assistance to the men in the sea, proceeded to the vessel, 
took out the crew, and brought them in safety to the shore. It may be confidently asserted
that the people on board the vessel owed the preservation of their lives to the Life-boat,
since the accident of the cobble being upset, as above stated, would have deterred any other
from making a similar attempt.; the tide did not ebb out sufficiently to admit of the men
getting on shore at low water; and in the course of the flood, the vessel was entirely
broken up. The Captain's reason for attempting to enter the harbour at such an improper
time of the tide was, that the vessel had sustained much damage in crossing the Bar, when
coming out of Sunderland harbour, and was so leaky as to render it unsafe to keep the sea
any longer.

29 June 1803
W. Thomas, Whitby, Yorkshire, linen-draper.

25 July 1803
At the last Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at North-Allerton, in the County of York, 
a woman the name of Thomasone Witham, of Whitby, in the same County, was prosecuted by the
directions of the Lords of the Admiralty, for riotously assembling, with other disorderly
persons, on the 21st day of June last in the streets of Whitby, and abating, insulting 
and assaulting, Captain Richard Pouldon, Regulating Captain at Whitby, and his men in due
execution of their duty, in impressing seamen for the Navy; and she being convicted of the 
offence, was sentenced to be imprisoned, and kept to hard labour in the House of Correction,
for the space of 12 months; a punishment which, it is hoped, will operate as an example to
deter others, particularly women, from the commission of similar offences.

28 October 1803
A Corps of Volunteer Infantry, consisting of two companies, is immediately to be embodied at
Whitby, under the command of Captain Campion. Another of similar description is to be raised
at Lyth, consisting chiefly of the tenants of the Right Hon. Lord Mulgrave, under the 
command of Francis Gibson, Esq., as also a troop of horse.

8 November 1803
Court of King's Bench, Nov 7
Mr. Jervis moved for a Rule to shew cause why a criminal infomation should not be exhibited
against a gentleman of the name of Morsum (sic Moorsom), who is a magistrate at Whitby.
In March last Capt. Holden was appointedby the Lords of the Admiralty to superintend the 
raising of seamen at Whitby. He applied to Mr. Morsum, who is a magistrate there, and also
a ship-owner (which seemed not to be an immaterial observation), he called on him, as the
chief magistrate, for countenance and support in that most difficult service. He begged 
leave to suggest to him the absolute necessity of swearing in an additional number of 
constables, without which he was sure he should fail. Mr. Morsum said, the rich men were
under the same obligation to go as the poor, and that it would be difficult to make them
act, and he refused to give him any assistance.
On the 15th of July last, Captain Holden, in the execution of his instructions, went om board
the brig Oak, then lying at Whitby, and impressed nine seamen, who were liable to be pressed.
The seamen refused to go with him, and armed themselves with harpoons, knives, and other
weapons; they were encouraged by the mob, and made their escape. The Lords of the Admiralty 
were desirous to prosecute the offenders, and to bring them to justice; they gave instruction
to Capt. Holden to that effect. He called on Mr. Morsum, and stated to him the circumstances
of that outrage, and urged him to issue warrants against the persons concerned in that 
outrage, and who had rescued those whom he had regularly impressed; but Mr. Morsum positively
refused to grant any warrants, because he thought press-warrants were illegal. A Mr.Marshall,
an attorney and clerk to the Magistrate, stated his opinion in favour of the legality of
press-warrants, but this Magistrate persisted in his refusal, and desired them to apply to him
only, for warrants in cases of murder and felony. In consequence of this refusal the Captain
was obliged to go to Gainsborough (sic Guisborough ?), a distance of 20 miles, before he could
obtain a warrant; and in consequenceof that delay, non of them were apprehended, and he 
believed they might have been apprehended if Mr. Morsom had issued a warrant on the spot.
Lord Ellenborough - Take a Rule to allow cause.

10 October 1804
On the 28th ultimo. the sea being very high, a boat, with two people in it, was observed among
the breakers near Lord Mulgrave's alum works at Sandsend: a coble was launched from the beach,
with the view to afford what assistance was possible, but a large breaker striking the boat, 
she was overset, and the unfortunate people were buriedin the waves at a short distance from
the shore. On Friday last the body of one of the men was wahed upon the beach, and was carried
to Whitby. It was uninjured apparently, excepting a small mark on the forehead. In the pockets
of the deceased were found a watch and ten shillings in money. On the bosom of his shirt was
marked C.H. By the remains of a letter found about him it was discovered he belonged to 
Scarborough, and that his name was Christopher Harrison, master of the John and Mary, of that
place, from the North with coals. The weather being bad it is supposed they had quitted the
vessel, which had sprung a leak, and most probably foundered, as several pieces of wreck had
been washed on shore on the coast between Whitby and Robinhood's Bay.

5 November 1806
Partnerships Disolved
Richard Lockwood and Joseph Lockwood, Whitby, ship insurance brokers

27 July 1807
Execution -
John Robinson, of Mickleby, near Whitby, farmer, who was executed at York, on the new drop,
on Monday, was committed to the Castle on the 1st of April last, charged with the wilful murder
of Susannah Wilson, who had lived with him as a servant, but left his service about a fortnight 
before Martinmas, in consequence of her pregnancy, and went to reside with a relation at 
Guisborough. After sentence of death was passed upon him, he declared his innocence, and said
he had no doubt but in a little time the real murderer would be discovered; however, at about
seven o'clock on Monday morning, he confessed to two men, who sat up with him during the night
that he had perpetrated the horrid deed. He met the unfortunate woman, according to appointment,
on the night of the 17th of February; and after walking about for near an hour, they sat down
at eight o'clock in the Quarry Hill Field. Although bent upon committing the murder, yet his 
heart frequently misgave him; at length perceiving that she was leaning her cheek upon her hand,
lamenting the unfortunate situation she had been brought into by him, he stepped back and made 
a blow upon the back part of her head with an axe, and she died instantaneously; he also struck
her upon other parts of her body. He then took the deceased, put her into a hole, where she was
found and covered (her) up  with Whins.

16 July 1808
The George transport, one of Sir John Moore's Expedition, from Gottenburgh, with some of the 
King's German Legion on board, arrived on Wednesday, at Whitby.

10 January 1809
Several persons lost their lives one night last week in attempting to return home from Whitby 
market. Christopher Swales, a blacksmith, in Goatland, about ten miles from Whitby, on his
return, called upon his son at Sleights, who seeing his father determined to proceed on his
journey, undertook to accompany him over the most difficult part of the road. Having travelled
a few miles, the old man grew so faint that the son was under the necessity of taking him upon
his back. After encountering the greatest difficulties, they reached the endof their journey, 
but not before the father had suffered so severely from the cold and fatigue, that he expired
almost immediately on entering the house. The son was also reduced to such a state of weakness
by the exertions he had been compelled to make, that his recovery was for some time doubtful.
Another victim to the severity of the storm was a young woman of the name of Sellers, likewise
a resident of Goatland; the most pressing entreaties of her friends at Whitby could not prevail
with her to stay the night; her constant reply being that if she did not go home, her mother
would conclude that something had happened to her. On the evening of the 18th, she was found 
sitting upon the snow on the moor, with her horse standing by her, and the bridle in her hand,
nearly perished to death; but on being taken to a farm house, she soon recovered. She must have
been exposed to the severe storm not less than 60 hours. A farmer at Liverton, called Reuben
Rodger, also returning from Whitby, lost his life near Scalingdam, from the inclemency of the
weather; his body was found a few days afterwards under the snow; the people who discovered
him being drawn to the spot by observing a stick placed upright in the snow, which measure it
appears the deceased had adopted as a signal, when exhausted nature had been compelled to resign
the hopeless contest. Two men have been found on the Moor, near Cock Moor-hall, in the 
neighbourhood of Scarborough, who had perished in the storm on Saturday the 17th ultimo.

28 December 1814
Severe Weather
Whitehaven Dec, 22
A gentleman at Bowlby alum works, near Whitby, having engaged a chaise which cam before he was 
ready for it, ordered the driver to take out the horses. This had scarcely been done, when a
tremendous squall caught the chaise and threw it over a steep hill; it was dashed into a thousand 

29 November 1816
Employment and Relief of the Poor
On Tuesday week a meeting of the principal inhabitants of Whitby was held at the Angel Inn, to
take into consideration the state of the poor at that place, when a liberal subscription was 
entered into by the gentlemen present, which, in the course of the week, amounted to £1200. On
the following Tuesday a second meeting was held at the same place, to determine on the mode of
applying the money, so as to afford the most extensive and efficient relief, when it was resolved
to purchase the articles of beef, mutton, pork, potatoes, and coals, to be distributed to the
labouring and necessitous poor at reduced prices; those absoluteluy out of employ, or unable to
labour, receiving such small sums from the parish as to enable them to effect the purchase of 
the above articles. Soup is intended to be added.

3 July 1817
Court Circular
A Special Commission has been appointed to be holden at the Justice-hall, in the Old Bailey, on
Monday next, for the purpose of trying the following persons: - John Cullen, John Atkins, William
Court, and Richard Goulder, charged with the wilful murder of Charles Wigg, and others, off Whitby,
in Yorkshire.

2 August 1817
Yorkshire Assizes, Wednesday, July 29
Crown Side, July 29 - Sheep Stealing
Robert Wid, of Troutsdale, in the North Riding, farmer, was indicted for having, on the 16th of June
last, between the hours of eight and nine in the evening, feloniously driven away and stolen, 14 sheep
and two lambs (the property of Thomas Sawdon, of the township of Hawsker-cum-Stainacre, in the parish
of Whitby) from the open moor or ground where they usually grazed.
The singularity of this case was. that the prisoner, at the time of the theft, was a respectable farmer
farming land to the extent of 500 acres, and paying rent to the amount of £310 a year; that he had
previously maintained a good character for honesty, among his neighbours; that it did not appear he had
formed any premeditated design to commit the theft till accident threw the objects of it into his way;
and that the attempt was made in circumstances where there could be little or no probability of success.
(this is quite lengthy so not transcribed in full but a copy is available on request)
Wid was found Guilty, but not sentenced to death.

8 December 1817
Partnerships Dissolved
M.J.Gowland and C.Belcher, Whitby, ale merchants.

15 April 1818
Partnerships Dissolved
R.Watson and T.Hebbron, Whitby, linendrapers.

24 November 1818
Partnerships Dissolved
T.Watson and T.Stevenson, Whitby, Yorkshire, solicitors

31 July 1820
Yorkshire Assizes, Thursday, July 27
(Before Mr. Justice Park)
Slander - Hill v Wear
Mr. Creswell opened the pleadings.
Mr. Brougham addressed the jury. This case was of great moment to a respectable tradesman. Mr. Hill had 
been for 20 years a house and ship-carpenter in Whitby, and during the whole of that time carried on
considerable business, and maintained an excellent character. Unfortunately for him, the defendant Wear,
a tinman aqnd brazier, paid his addresses to his daughter. Whether Mr. Wear, after having proceeded a
considerable length, bethought him of giving up Miss Hill, and therefore contrived a quarrel with her
father, or whether the great wrong he did had proceeded from a different motive, the jury would determine.
The fact was undoubted, that he had done as much as in him lay to destroy the reputation of the respectable
man who now appeared before them as plaintiff. Wear having occasion to employ a joiner to make a shop-
window, naturally employed the plaintiff. He gave him orders to provide wood, and make neccessary 
preparation. It was agreed that the wood should be purchased from Messrs. Chapman and Simpson, timber
merchants. There the plaintiff bought the wood, and as Wear was not known to them, the timber was charged
to Hill. The window was made. Wear then thought proper to complain that the timber, which he said was his, 
had not been all used, and that he was over-reached. He gave it out that he had been cheated by the 
plaintiff - by that respectable gentleman, who had lived for 20 years with an unsullied reputation. It
was to the very daughter of the plaintiff that he used the slanderous words charged, viz., "He, 
(the plaintiff) has rogued other folks for yrears before me; if folks cannot live without roguishmess 
it is time for them to have done with trade." The defendant's conduct was aggravated by the plea of
justification put on the record. Supposing, of which he was not aware, that the plaintiff after cutting
up sufficient plank, some little might be found in a shop literally filled with planks, what was a man's
character worth - a charcter gained by 20 years' unsuspected honesty - if a mistake was to be construed
into a theft, and an oversight perverted into studied roguery - if such a character, in a doubtful 
matter, was not to operate as a defence, and serve  as a shield against such misconstruction ? He hoped
the justification set up would operate in a way rather than in mitigation of damages.
Miss Jane Hill (a good-looking and genteel young lady), daughter of the plaintiff, met Mr. Wear on the 
bridge at Whitby on the 29th of November last. He stopped her, and said her father was to blame. She said
she disputed it. He said, if she doubted it she might go and ask her father's partner, Mr.Terry. He then
said of her father "He has rogued other folks years before me; if folks cannot live without roguishness
it is time for them to have done with trade"
cross examined by Mr. Raine - the defendant had paid his addresses to her. If it had not been for this
dispute they would have been married . No civilities passed between them before the words were used. 
He afterwards asked her to take a walk with him in the evening, but she refused, as he had given her
father, who was innocent, such a charcter.
Mr.Raine....But to come to the merits of the case. The defendant, a brazier, being about to fit up a 
new shop, applied to the plaintiff, as the father of his future wife, to execute some work for him in
the most substantial manner, and expressly stipulated that the best Baltic timber should be used. He
directed that the timber should be got for him from Messrs. Simpson and Chapman's,; but the plaintiff,
when he got the timber, never mentioned the defendant's name. This the defendant did not discover for
a considerable time,; six deals, or rather planks, wee purchased, and sawn into planks. The defendant
was afterwards surprised to find American fir used by the workmen. Upon remonstrating, Mr. Hill told 
him that American fir was just as good, and that they had not enough Baltic timber. Suspicions and
disputes hence arising, the work was measured by Boville, Carter and Turnbull. All agreed that there
was a deficit of one-fourth of the timber. Mr. Terry, then in partnership with the plaintiff, felt
uneasy, and ordered the workshop to be searched. The plaintiff declared, so help him God, there was 
not a screed of the defendant's timber on the premises; and when they entered the backshop he offered
to bet five guineas on the subject; yet in this very shop, in a dark place, between a joiner's bench 
and the floor, the planks were found concealed, marked with Wear's name. Hill became uneasy, admitted
it was Wear's wood , and seemed suddenly to recollect that one night, when it looked like rain, he and
the boy had put the deals away, together with some wainscot boards. Even this was not true. The boy 
would state to them, that one morning, before breakfast, the space between the bench and the wall was
cleared out; the planks were placed there, and they were covered up with a quantity of wood. Of the
only witness called on the other side he did not wish to speak harshly, but it was manifest that she
was steeped to the chin in interest upon the subject. Her father's character was at stake, and she 
would naturally feel irritated at the breaking off of the intended match. Thee was no pretence for
saying that the quarrel was sought to get rid of her. After using the words in question, had he not
solicited her to take a walk with him in the evening ? Did this look like a design to cast her off ?
God forbid that the sins of the father should be visited upon the child ! He imputed nothing to her;
but he must observe, that she repeated the words with marvellous particularity. He would further remark,
that the language was used confidentially. It did not appear that he had used such expresssions to 
any other person. Slander, therefore, it was not, if he used the words confidentially to the woman who
was the object of his affections. He felt assured that they would, after hearing the evidence, find
a verdict for the defendant; at least they would give the least possible damages.
(Witnesses were then brought, viz.
James Fawcet, foreman to Chapman and Simpson testified to the purchase of 6 deals of Baltic timber by 
the plaintiff in his own name, and the later transfer of this to Wear's name after the dispute arose, 
and at the request of Wear.
Richard Vipond, whitesmith, hear the plaintiff tell the defendant that he had used all the wood.
Richard Terry, partner with the plaintiff in November last year, was engaged at the shipworks. He
directed the search of the shop to be made.
John Boville, John Carter and John Turnbull said that  they had measured the work and found the
John Darwin had been a journeyman with Hill and Terry in November last confirmed that Hill had offered
to bet 5 guineas, and that there was none of the wood on his premises, also that the wood was found
there, and that it was marked W. He had left the business when Terry left the partnership, and now 
worked with Terry. He was asked if he had been dismissed from the business for not accounting for
money belonging to the partnership, but the judge would not allow the question.
Mitchell Johnson, apprentice with Hill and Terry, left to work with Terry, He testified to clearing
out the space between the bench and the wall on Hill's direction, and assisting him in placing 9 deals
in the space.
C. Robson, formerly a partner with Darwin, testified that darwin could not be believed under oath.
The counsel for the plaintiff made a long summing up in the process of which he upset the judge by 
referring to the disallowed questions.
The Judge summed up, suggesting that he could see no reason to disbelieve the defence, and if the 
jury felt likewise they should find for the defendant, which they did)

4 December 1820
Partnerships Dissolved
J.Sanders, M.Thornhill, and W.Cooper, Whitby, mercers.

3 January 1821
W.Elgie, Ruswarp, Yorkshire, corn-merchant

12 February 1821
Partnerships Dissolved
W.Elgie and T.Overend, Whitby, slate merchants

4 April 1821
Partnerships Dissolved
J.Elgie, and E and J. Corner, Whitby, importers

4 January 1822
Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, Jan.3
Before the Lord Chief Justice  and a Special Jury
Allardyce v Johnson
This was an action against the defendant Captain Johnson, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's 
(this is a very long report and I will summarise only - I have a full copy of the report which I can make 
available for research if needed)
Summary -
The plaintiff, Mr.Allardyce, a surgeon in the 34th regiment of foot, married in 1813 to the lady concerned, 
a Miss Walker, from Yorkshire. He was 3o years of age and she was 25, very beautifull and accomplished. 
They initially lived in Yorkshire for 12 months and Mrs. Allardyce had a baby son. In 1814 Mr. Allardyce 
was called to the East Indies and took his family with him. During their time in India Mrs. allardyce 
behaved impeccably. Towards the end of 1820, by which time they had had two more children. Allardyce then
began to think of going home and of the needs ofhis children for an English education. He decided to send 
their eldest daughter home to school but that he and his wife and other children would wait until his Army
service was completed in two years. unfortunastely his youngest child became ill, and needed to return to
Europe. There was an Indiaman ready to sail which was commanded by a friend and relative of Mrs. Allardyce,
so she and the children left for England on this ship. The commander of the ship was Captain Chapman, the 
relative of Mrs. Allardyce, and Mr. Allardyce felt safe in entrusting her and his family to him. Alexander 
Pugh Johnson, esq., a Captain of Dragoons, and a man of fortune and family, was also a passenger on the ship.
Captain Johnson had no acquaintance with Mr. Allardyce, but began to pay attention to his wife. So much so
that they came to the attention of Captain Chapman. Nevertheless it was not felt that there was anything
improper in the relationship between Mrs Allardyce and Captain Johnson on the voyage. When the ship arrived
in London Mrs Allardyce took lodgings, where she was frequently visited by Capt. Johnson, in a "manner and
with a freedom which could only under certain circumstances, be permitted". Capt. Chapman and his brother
called one evening to see Mrs Allardyce and found her alone with Johnson. They stayed as late as they could 
but Johnson sat them out. After a week in London, Mrs. Allardyce set out for Whitby. A gentleman named
Stevenson, who was a relative of Mrs. Allardyce, engaged the whole inside of a stage-coach for her. He 
accompanied her to the Inn where she was to join the coach, and saw her, her children and her maid safely
inside, entrusting their future safety to an elderly gentleman sitting on the box. However, a mile out of
town Captain Johnson entered the vehicle, He said he was going to Scotland to visit his sister. When the
coach arrived at York, the Captain discovered that he did not have enough money with him to continue to
Scotland, so the parties dined together and stayed at the same inn. Next morning Mrs Allardyce set out for
Whitby, and Johnson returned to London. From then until the end of April they did not see each other, but in 
April 1821 Mrs. Allardyce decided to go to London. She was accompanied by her two sisters, one of whom was
about to mary a Mr. Metcalf. It was arranged that, after a short stay in London, the party would go to
France. On the 27th April they arrived at their lodgings in London, only to find a note from Capt. Johnson,
quickly followed by the gentleman himself. From then on he was a constant visitor and she even changed the
arrangements for the visit to France, going on ahead, and meeting Johnson at Dover and staying at the same
house, then travelling to France with him. Eventually they separated, Mrs A going to Dunkirk, and Johnson
to Boulogne, but he still visitec her occasionally. Mrs A's sister married Mr. Metcalf and they lived at
Lisle. Mrs A went to visit them, sending her maid and children in a carriage, whilsdt she was driven with
Johnson in his gig. They againstayed at the same hotel. In October Mr.Allardyce arrived home from India. 
No certainty of wrong doing had been proved against Mrs. A and Mr. A met her as one would expect a husband
to meet his wife after long separation. She burst into tears, which it was assumed were tears of joy !
Everything was well for the next 10 days, but the Mrs A dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant !, and
confessed all. Immediate separation took place and the present action was a preliminary to a divorce case
through the Ecclesiastical Court. Just one more point was made, that during her stay at Whitby thee was a 
rumour that Mr Allardyce had died, but this was contradicted within a month by a letter from Mr. A. However,
Johnson claimed that his affair with Mrs A had only taken place whilst they thought that Mr A had died.
Witnesses included
Mr William Benson, arelative of Mr.Allardyce. He wascmarried to Allardyce's sister. He was present at the
Allardyce wedding.
Capt.Edward St.John Mildmay an Officer in the 22nd Light Dragoons who knew the Allardyces at Bangalore in
India. He said the were happily married and she was very beautiful and an excellent mother.
Mrs Mildmay, the Captain's wife similarly testified. She said Mrs A had left Madras on the ship Woodford, 
commanded by Capt. Chapman.
Captain Davis of the 34th supported the evidence of the happy family life in India, as did Captain Mills, 
of the 22nd Dragoons. He said the pay of a Captain in the native cavalry was about £800 a year and greater
in times of war. A Lieutenat had around £480 a year and more.
Mrs Outlaw, widow of Captain Outlaw of the 34th gave similar evidence of a happy marriage.
General F. Morgan said he sailed on the Woodford and had taken note of the attention paid by Johnson to
Mrs A. and that he had a conversation about it with Capt. Chapman. He did not know anything else about
Johnson but had heard that he wa a Lieutenant of native horse with a brevet rank of Captain.
Mr. David Chapman, brother of Capt. Chapman, who was absent on a voyage to India. He said that his brother
was not actually related to Mrs. A but their families were distantly relatec by marriage. He testified to
the visit that he and his brother had made to Mrs A in London.
Mr. Daniel Stevenson said that Mrs A is his first cousin. He had arranged her lodgings in London and the
ighflyer coach to York. She was going to reside with her mother at Whitby. 
Jane Jackson said that she was the wife of Sergeant Jackson of the 34th and was engaged to attend Mrs A
during her voyage from India to England. She said that Capt. Johnson had been on the ship and that he had
called on Mrs A 4 times in her 10 days in London prior to going to Whitby. She testified to Johnson joining
the coach about a mile out of London on the way to York. She had stayed with Mrs A at Whitby for a time but
then left her to go to Ireland. Cross examined she said that she hasd slept in the same room as Mrs A at York.
Ann Elder said that in April 1822 Mrs A had engaged her as a servant at Whitby, and she had remained with her.
She testified that Johnson had visited Mrs A frequently in London on return from Whitby, but they did not go
out together, alone. On one occasion she had left Mrs A and Capt. Johnson alone together in the London 
lodgings. She said that Capt. Johnson was not very much with her mistress in France and usually Mr.Metcalf
was present. She still worked for Mrs A and testified to her pregnancy which she thought to be about 5 or
6 months. 
Miss Harriet Walker, sister of Mrs. A. Amongst other things she testified to hearing of Mr.Allardyce's death
on 1 April and that they had believed it until thry heard from him. They did not hear of his safety until they
had been back in London for some time after leaving Whitby. She had met Capt. Johnson after Mr and Mrs A had
parted beds, delivering a letter from her sister to him, and asking him for certain letters, which he would
not give her. He said he intended to marry Mrs A.
Mr John Metcalf, husband of Mrs A's sister.
A letter from Johnson to Mrs A was read out, which appeared to have been written after she had told him that
her husband was still alive, in which he refers to "our fatal error" and not having conceived that anything
could stop them marrying.
Another letter postmarked 22 October 1821 was read out, It referrecto their affair only having taken place
whilst they thought Mr A had died, and that Johnson would always act as a man of honour. He was ready, in the
case of a divorce, to offer her marriage and fortune.
The Judge in his summing up threw doubt on the validity if the letters and said that, if the affair had only
lasted for the period that Mr A was thought dead then Mrs A should be much further advanced in pregnancy that
the servant had suggested.
The jury found for the plaintiff with damages of £500.
(I have included this case because it seems likely that Capt. Chapman was of the Whitby Chapmans and Mrs
Allardyce seems to have been of a Whitby Walker family)

3 June 1822
Partnerships Dissolved
R.Watson, Whitby, and J.Bennison, Ruswarp, Yorkshire, horse-dealers

13 November 1822
Partnerships Dissolved
R.Watson, and R.Woodwark, Whitby, Yorkshire, drapers.

24 July 1823
York, Monday, July 21
Wm. Mead and Robert Belt were indicted for the wilful murder of James Law, on the night of the 12th or morning 
of the 13th of February, at Burneston, near Scarborough, in this county. The prisoners pleaded not guilty. They
were men of respectable appearance.
It will be recollected, that an application was made last spring to have the venue moved from the county of York,
in this trial, on the ground of the violent ferment which prevailed among large parties of the people of the
neighbourhood, who avowed an interest in the result, which, if participated in by jurors, was incompatible with
the impartial administrationof justice. The circumstances which led to  this agitation were principally these - 
The prisoner Mead had been actively engaged in assisting the officers of the revenue in detecting smuggling
transactions, and had been engaged some time ago in prosecuting a number of cases in the Exchequer; in one of 
these, the deceased, Law, was the defendant, but was acquitted, and he subsequently prosecuted to conviction 
Mead, for perjury upon that trial. Mead, after his conviction, obtained a rule for a new trial, and was enlarged
on bail. There had been a great riot in Scarborough on the day before Law was shot, and he was said to have been, 
with others actively engaged in tarring and feathering some persons who were alleged to be much on the alert in
suppressing smuggling transactions. This trial was ficed specially for this day, and seventy witnesses were said
to be in attendance. A considerable number of persons came from Scarborough and the vicinity to give evidence for
one or the other of the parties; there was a complete congregation of farmers and seafaring people of every 
description from the Scarborough coast.
(summary of evidence -
Witness - John Watson lived near Scarborough. He met James Law at the Talbot Inn on 13th February and they left
Scarborough together, with others, that night. They had been drinking but he was sober and Law was not drunk. They
had to pass through Burneston to get to Law's house. They stopped outside Mead's house and began to sing a song
which referred to Mead's perjury. They did not alight from their horses and did not offer any violence to the house.  
There was a sound of breaking glass. A small gun or pistol was fired from Mead's house five or six minutes after 
they had started to sing. They found that Law had been shot so they rode away in order to help him. They took Law 
to John Dodsworth's house. There Law said that it was William Mead who had shot him, and he was anxious to make his
will. The next morning the witness went to Mead's house and it appeared that a window had been broken from the
inside, because the lead was pushed outwards from the house, and there was broken glass outside the window. Under
cross examination Warson said that when Law was shot he thought Law's horse was turned away from the house. Watson
could not say yes or no whether Law had a stick in his hand. asked if he knew a John Dodson, he said he did, but
he knew nothing about Dodson having been rolled in a well or duckedin a kennel. The prosecutor then asked if Watson
had been brought to court from gaol. He had. He was in gaol on a charge of assault on John Dodson ! Also for assault
on one Dawson on 15th February. Watson said that Law had kicked Dodson down on 13th February at Scarborough. Watson
also admitted that he had been in prison before on charges of smuggling. He understood that Mead was the informer
against him, and Law, on this previous occasion. Defence lawyer said that Watson had been acquitted of the smuggling
Witness - W.Hintson, servant to John Dodsworth, backed up Watson's account.
Witness - John Dodsworth, farmer at Harrowdale, also gave the same story. He said that Law had died as a result of
the shot on Friday, 21 February. He agreed that "there was something going on against him in the Exchequer" relating
to smuggling, and he understood that Mead had been the informant.
Witness - Elizabeth Jennison, wife of Mr.Jennison, was under the same roof as Mead on the night of 13th February. She
was sleeping with her mother in the next room to Mead, separated by a slight wooden partition. She was awakened about
2 o'clock on the morning of 13th February, by the soundof horses' feet on the High road near the house, and then 
heard singing. She said there was no attack upon the house. She heard a voice in the house say "Shout him, shout him",
meaning "shoot him, shoot him".She heard the lead frane of glass fall immediately and then a shot. Mead's voice from
the next room said "Dodsworth is very drunk", but she could not say who it was said "shout him". Afterwards she heard
Mead say that he would not have done anything if they had not broken his windows. The witness was cross examined and
asked if she had not said to a lady named Dorothy that she must say that the horses were on the road not on the 
causeway leading to the house. She could not remember having said that, nor could she remeber Dorothy saying "O, Betty
you must have hear the horses on the causeway and the knocking at the door". The witness had been before the Magistrates
in Scarborough three times before.
Witness - George Browne, aged 10, son of Thomas Browne, said he had been with his father to Mead's house on the morning
after the shooting. When they knocked on the door, Robert Belt came down the stairs. He was not fully dressed. His
father had an appointment with Belt that morning. There was no other man at Mead's house when they called, except Mead. 
He, his father, and Robert Belt then went to Whitby to Robert Mead's house at Stainton-dale. There was some mention of 
Law. Jane Ray was at Robert Mead's. Robert Belt and Mr.Coulson, the Customs collector stayed at Mead's, whilst the two 
Brownes went to Whitby. The prisoner's father lived two stones throws from the Brownes. On the night of the incident 
he had heard the sound of horses and a knocking which people said came from William Mead's door. He also heard a sound 
like a shot. 
Witness - William Wharton lived near Scarborough. Testified to seeing the broken window the day after the shooting. He 
had seen an effigy being burnt in Scarborough but could not say if it was odf the Lord Chief Justice.
Witness - Margaret Abram lived within a door of William Mead's house. She heard the singing and the shot. Also heard
violent knocking. Her husband said the voice singing was Watson. Her husband confirmed.
Witness - John Stockdall, one of the constables of Scarborough, was sent for at 1am on 14th February and went to
Burneston. He demanded admission to Mead's house several times but there was no answer.The door was broken down and
he went upstairs where Mead was getting out of bed, saying he had not heard them knocking. He sked what the matter was
and was told of the shooting. He was handcuffed, and they found powder and ball in a flask in the room. They asked for
the pistol which had shot Law and Mead opened a box and gave them two pistols, both loaded, which the constable showed
in court. He also produced the bloodstained clothes worn by Law when he was shot. He had also taken Mead's wife and
daughter into custody.
Witness - Margaret Consitte confirmed hearing the noise, the singing and the shot.
Witness - Dr.W.Harland, physician at Scarborough, attended Law about 3 o'clock in the morning of 14th February, at 
John Dodsworth's house. He had a wound in his back from a pistol ball. He sent for a surgeon because he thought the
wound looked dangerous. Law died on the Friday following. After death the ball was found in the upper thorax near
the spine.
Witness - Mr.Dunn, surgeon, confirmed Harland's evidence.
Witness - Mr. John Edmondson, farmer at Cayton. He saw Mead in prison on the 15th February. He asked how poor James
(Law) was, and was told he was very bad and not likely to recover. Mead said he hoped he would. He seemed anxious
for the Lord's forgiveness. 
Witness - Haxby, a constable, confirmed Edmondson's evidence. He said that Mead had said that if Law would forgive
him he would try and do something for him when he came up for trial for the riots at Scarborough.
Prisoner Mead, when questioned, said he had no ill will toward Law. Similarly Belt said he bore no malice.
The Court Adjourned.

25 July 1823
York, Tuesday, 22 July 
Charge of Murder (continuation of summary of case against Mead & Belt above)
Witness - Mr. James Bulmer, brother of Bulmer, solicitor of York, said he went to Burneston to examine Mead's house.
He had drawn plans and taken measurements and produced a model. He had had great difficulty in getting any help in
the village because he was acting for the prisoners.
Witness - John Dobson, a woodman and planter. He was at the Globe Inn at Scarborough on the 13th February at 8 o'clock
in the morning. He was also there at 1 o'clock in the day, and saw James Law there, with many other persons including
Watson. Law had asked where Mead was and had said "neither of you shall go alive home". The witness had given evidence
at London to the Exchequer against Law. Law had a stick or whip in his hand, and the witness was assaulted by Law and
others, being kicked and beaten for about an hour. Law said "it is of no use prosecuting any of the Crown's evidence; 
we will give them club-law at home." Watson said "D--n it ! Kill him !". The witness was then dragged to a pump where
they threw water and other things at him and then flung him into the pump-trough. He passed out and when he came to he 
found he was tied hand and foot to a ladder and was being carried up a street. He was eventually set free by the efforts
of two young men, but not before the mob had threatened to drown him in the sea. The resuers were B.Taylor and Henry
Richardson. They took him to Taylor's house at East Eaton (? East Ayton). The assault had almost disabled him from 
working since. Cross examined, he said that he had not been fighting the next day, he had been at Thornton and was
sober. He had been supported by the parish since the assault by casual payments not an allowance. He had got the relief
from Joseph Skelton of Pickering. He had received in all around £2 between February and July. His wife had collected
it. Also, about six weeks ago he had been set to work by the parish to do what he could on the high road. For this he
had been paid £3 or£4 for his last week's work. he had also had support from his parents. He had not received any
money from the Customs or the Government. On the day he was at Scarborough he called, as a friend, on Mr.Maw, the
Custom-house officer. He did not know whether Mr. Maw had paid his public-house bill that day. He did not see Wiliam
Mead that day at Scarborough. He could not say how many times he had been a Government witness. He admitted that he
had once been in gaol at Northallerton in 1818. He did not know what for. It was a family matter. He had taken 
posession of the place where he lived - his own property. He had also been in Pickering gaol after a quarrel with
his father, and using strong language. All of this had resulted from him trying to keep posession of a toll-bar, which
he rented, after his father had omitted to pay to the commissioners the money that he had given him to pay it.
Witness - Henry Richardson, a farmer at Caton, corroborated Dobson's evidence regarding his treatment at Scarborough.
Witness - Ann Dawson, lived at Scarborough, and she also corroborated Dobson's story. She and Jane Ray had both been
witnesses in London, and they had to go through Burneston to get home, so they called at Mead's and told him about the
treatment Dobson had received that day. She stayed the night concerned with Robert Mead's mother at Stainton-dale. She
had been a servant there for two and a half years. She would not go back to Scarborough because the mob had threatened
her with the same treatment as Dobson. She was still afraid.
Witness - Mary Halliday, was at John Dodsworth's house on the 14th. She had heard Elizabeth Bennison tell Dorothy Mead
that she should tell the truth. Dorothy said she had and Elizabeth said she had not, if she had said that the horses
were on the causeway not the road. Dorothy had said "O, Betty, you must have heard the horses on the causeway, and
did you not hear the knocking at the door ?"
Witness - Thomas Sedman said he was in the preventive service and was on duty on the morning of the 14th February within
two miles of Burneston. He said that night was very dark. He kept a journal of such things, and he produced it.
Witness - Ann Noble lived at Burneston. She was wife of Samuel Noble, stone-mason. She was disturbed on the night 
concerned by the noise of a lot of men. They were swearing as they went up the street and they stoopped outside
Robinson's public-house. They remained there about 10 minutes, and were very rough and noisy. She only knew one voice.
That was John Dodsworth. The noise she had heard was the men trying to get the publican up.
Witness - William Pickering, farmer in Burneston, about 80 yards from Robinson's public-house. He corroborated Ann 
Noble's evidence and said one horse went away from Robinson's first, in the direction of Mead's, followed by the 
others. He saw three horses and men, but only recognised Dodsworth as it was a very dark night.
Witness - Aaron Franks, said he rsided at Scawley (? Scalby) near Scarborough. He knew Belt and gave him a peaceable
The Jury took ten minutes to decide their verdict - Guilty of Manslaughter against Mead; Not Guilty for Belt.
On his way from the Court the convicted prisoner was assailed by demonstrations.

16 August 1824
Partnerships Dissolved
J.Jackson, W.Garbutt, and P.Cato, Whitby, shipbuilders

21 May 1828
On Friday last a small cutter, called the Goode Hope, of Ostend, laden with contraband goods, was brought into
Whitby, havng been captured by Lieutenant King, chief officer of the preventive service at that port, with three
men and two pilots. The cargo, which was immediately landed at the custom-house, consisted of about 300 kegs of
spirits, and 100 packages of tobacco, snuff, tea etc. She had on board five men, and three men, supposed to belong 
to the same vessel, were taken by two of the preventive boatmen, on the preceding night, as they were landing out
of a small boat on the sand near Upgang, about a mile and a half north of Whitby. - Hull Advertiser

22 April 1829
Portland, April 19
A boat marked outside "Cambrian, of Whitby", - inside, "Pickering R Lorains", has been picked up in West Bay. 

16 May 1829
Partnerships Dissolved
J.Ashton and W.Nicholson, Whitby,confectioners  

23 September 1829
Some of our contemporaries have amused themselves with reporting, and remarking on, certain occurrences which 
seem to have taken place at or after a dinner lately given at Whitby to a gentleman of the name of Sadler. This
Mr.Sadler we believe to be the same who got into the House of Commons in the course of last session, for the
purpose of making a speech against the Papists and the Ministers, which discourse gave much satisfaction to
the friends of the Duke of Wellington and of religious liberty, and sensibly promoted the cause of Catholic 
relief. Mr. Sadlerso well succeeded in Parliament as to have obtained the reputation of diligently collecting
and uttering fearlessley those "ideas" by which the Duke of Newcastle informed the House of Lords, that His 
Grace himself "was sure to be abandoned" whenever he rose to instruct their Lordships, but the temporary 
dispersion and suppression of which were of so much less importance to the commonwealth, seeing that Mr.Sadler
was at hand to recover and prepare them for their predestined use. Indeed, the honourable gentleman has
constituted himself into a warehouse for the raw productionsof his noble patron's brain, receiving them like 
cargoes of damaged corn, grinding them (for delivery) into flour of nonsense.
Such as he is, however, this personage - the most accomplished and ingenious of his tribe - has been entertained
(better, possibly than his audience were) at Whitby; and that we did not notice him before, in connexion with
the entertainment and with Whitby, it is enough to say, that neither Mr.Sadler, nor his horts appered to us very
likely subjects of public interest, at any intermediate theatre between that part of the world where whales are
harpooned, and Whitby, whose merchandise is blubber.

28 December 1829
On the night of Thursday week, as the Union coach, running between Scarborough and Whitby, was passing the Hull
carrier's waggon, near to Whitby, the former, in giving the road, was unfortunately overturned, with a dreadful
crash. At the time the accident occurred there were 12 passengers and a young infant in it; fortunately, however,
no lives were lost, but Mrs. Hill, of Scarborough, had her arm broken, and several others were greatly bruised.

28 December 1829
On Friday, about 2 o'clock, a destructive accident occurred at the alum-manufactory of the Earl of Mulgrave at
Kettleness, about six miles north of Whitby. The different premises used in the process of making the alum, the
warehouse for depositing the manufactured article, etc, together with a respectable dwelling occupied by Mr.
Truefit, his lordship's agent for superintending the works, and also several cottages built for the accommodation
of the labourers, are situated near the sea-shore, beneath a very lofty cliff, along the side of which the public
road leading down to the works was excavated. On yesterday week some fissures were perceived in the cliff, which
gave rise to apprehensions that a considerable part of it was about to fall; and these fears increasing, some of
the inhabitants removed part of their furniture, and shut up their houses. At last, at the time stated above, the
rock began to give way from the bottom, and, gliding forward, overwhelmed the whole of the premises connected with
the works, the agent's house, and about 14 cottages, reducing the whole to one mass of ruins, and burying the most
of them under an immense weight of rock. There were on the premises at the time manufactured alum to the value of
£3,000, and also a considerable quantity of coals, ashes etc. made use of in the manufactory, the greatest part
of which was buried in the ruins. Happily no lives were lost, although several families were in their houses, 
in bed at the time the rock began to give way, who, had not the cracking of the fissures alarmed them, would have
been buried in the ruins, and had only time to escape in a state of nudity. - Hull Packet      

14 February 1841
The bark Nelson, of whitby, Captain Burnet, from New Brunswick to Carnarvon, arrived off the latter port last
week, having on board Captain Harrison and the crew of the Royal Edward, 13 persons in all, whom they had most
fortunately rescued from a watery grave off the Banks of Newfoundland. The Royal Edward sailed from Prince Edward 
Island on the 4th of December, for Liverpool, but sprung a leak, which defied the pumps, within 48 hours after
clearing the Gulf of St.Lawrence. When discovered by the Nelson off the Banks of Newfoundland, the Royal Edward
was on her beam ends, and nearly filled with water, so that a few hours longer in their perilous situation must
have proved fatal to her exhausted captain and crew - North Wales Chronicle

25 July 1831
Reform Meeting at Whitby
A meeting was held at the Custom-house Coffee-house, in Whitby, on Tuesday, the 19th instant. The reasons of the 
meeting were stated to be the following:- "For some weeks past, strenuous efforts having been made by several 
of the committee and friends of Mr. Chapman, one of the candidates for the representation of Whitby in the 
reforemed Parliament, in order by threats, intimidation, and promises, to induce individuals to vote otherwise
than from conscientious motives, and they having in various instances proceeded to put their threats in force
against such tradesmen as had acted in an upright and independent manner, several friends of reform and of Mr.
Moorsom, the other candidate, deemed it expedient to display their indignation at such unmanly and un-English
conduct; and also to express their sympathy with the various individuals who may have thus suffered". The 
meeting came to various resolutions condemnatory of this conduct on the part of the supporters of Chapman.

19 March 1832
A letter signed "Castigator, Whitby, March 6 " - too long to transcribe, but extracts are -
"Whitby, until the year 1829, was sunk in the most profound abyss of anti-liberalism"
"In an evil hour for them, that alter ego of the Duke of Newcastle, that friend of exclusionists, the
long-tongued, many mouthed member for .........., Mr. S....r (Sadler), entered Whitby in triumph. -
was entertained at a public dinner, toasted, praised, bedaubed, and flattered, by sapient circles of
Whitby shipowners; and in return, gave them a violent tirade of 20 parson poweragainst free-trade and
the reciprocity system, But a light sprang into existence even from the bosom of darkness, Richard Moorsom
Esq., who himself owes all his wealth to commerce, had almost alone to battle against such powerful odds,
and published a refutation of the Mr.S's avowed tenets, and soon brought efficient coadjutors to his
assistance. "
"the tradesmen of Whitby boldly, openly, and in defiance of those pseudo-influential personages, arranged
themselves under the banner of reform and free-trade"
"also when a member was promised to whitby, a requisition emanated from these noble-minded patriots to him
who had been the father of free discussion here, and Mr. Moorsom annoounced himself a candidate to represent
them in the reform interest. The Tory ship-builders wee not slow in finding a champion of their principles,
in the person of one who had signed a declaration against reform, who was himself a monopolist, a foe to
negro emancipation, in short, a thorough, paced anti-liberal Tory, Aaron Chapman Esq., of London, connected
with a wealthy family in Whitby."
The letter goes on to tell how Chapman's party then threatened local tradesmen with loss of business, then
withdrew their business from them, and then also forced their employees to withdraw their custom.
As examples it quotes
"The case of the painter Hicks and the ironmonger Langdale, who preferred embracing comparative commercial
ruin rather than give up their conscietious political opinions,...."

1 December 1832
Whitby, Nov 28
On Monday last, a meeting convened by public advertisement was held in the New Market-place here, in order
to give to Mr.Moorsom, our liberal candidate, an opportunity of addressing the electors and assembled
inhabitants of the borough for the first time since the completion of the registration by the barristers.
The meeting commenced at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when Thomas Watson Esq., being called to the chair,
Mr.Moorsom was by that gentleman formally introduced as a candidate to the electors and assembled inhabitants.
(then follows details of the speech which lasted for two hours, and at the end the following made further 
speeches or proposed resolutions - The Rev. John Duston, the Rev. G.Young, the Rev. J.Ketley, Messrs. J.W.
Robinson, George Impey, Gideon Buck, William Morley, John Anderson, and D.H.Grose)

15 September 1834
Hard Case of Tithes near Whitby
William Browm, a poor man, at Littlebeck, near Whitby, has published the particulars of this transaction, from
which we extract as follows -  "Last year I took a small bad farm, of very little value, near Littlebeck, in
the township of Ugglebarnby. On taking this farm nothing was said to me about tithes; but it subsequently 
turned out that Orange, the former tenant, had not paid any for some time. About Martinmas last, the lay
proprietor of the tithes in this district demanded of me £2 6s. for tithe dues; I told him that the whole 
of my crops wee not worth that sum, and I got him to look at them. In the beginning of May last I was
summoned before the bench of magistrayes at Whitby, who said that it seemed a very heavy tithe. On the
13th of the same month I was served with an order from the magistrates to pay £2 6s. and 10s costs, which
I was unable to do. On the 24th the constable of the township came with a distress warrant, and distrained my
cow, the only one I had, and which was worth £9 or £10, being on the eve of calving, and took her away, stating
that he was ordered to seize something of not less than £6 value ! On the 29t the bellman went round the town
of Whitby announcing that a cow should be sold by auction, for tithe, opposite the Swan Inn, in Baxtergate, 
at 6 o'clock. When the time arrived a number of persons attended, and after the auctioneer had stated the
conditions of sale etc. I then said "Gentlemen, this is my cow. I have never refused to pay what any reasonable
person would value my tithe; I also offerec £1 1s which is far more than the value. I now bid £1 2s for my cow.
and I hope that none of you will bid against me. The auctioneer said "I will not take your bid. I will put it
up at £3 12s. and I bid that sum for her myself. If any oerson bids more he shall have her" It so happened, 
however, that no person bid more. He therefore knocked her down to himself, and ordered her to be taken in
again. Thus having lost full £20 last year by my farm , having never made one penny either of corn or potatoes,
but on the contrary I have had everything to buy; and for the value of my tithe, which was positively not worth
10s, as every one of my neighbours can testify, they have taken and sold the only cow I had, which was worth £9 
or £10, and thereby distressed me very much ! My only means of redeeming it are by appealing to the liberality
of the public, and by publishing it, to show the country another instance of the cruel evils of the present 
tithe-law system. " - Hull Observer

15 January 1835
Extract of a letter from Whitby, Jan. 12
You most likely may have heard of the very dastardly attack made upon the Hon. W.Duncombe, Mr.Walker, and their
friends, on their way from Gainsborough to Whitby on the evening of Thursday last. Between the toll-bar and Whitby
their carriages were stopped, their post-boys knocked off the horses, the traces cut, the carriages overturned, 
and the gentlemen, Mr.Duncombe, Mr.Walker, Colonel Cholmeley, the Rev. Mr.Dent, and Mr.Denison, severely abised,
and glad to run across the fields to Sneaton Castle for protection. They were kindly received, and immediately 
the steward of Sneaton was sent to request that he would muster all the people there to protect the gentlemen to
Whitby. At 8 o'clock next morning the tenantry and others rode up in front of the Castle, withthe band playing.
They were soon joined by the "Pinks" (the Conservatives of Whitby), with the newly elected M.P. at their head.
They then proceeded to Whitby in strong force, and reached the hustings, where a scene of brutality commenced
which beggars all description. Ultimately the "Pinks" drove off the other party. Mr.Duncombe and Mr.walker then
addressed the electors amidst great uproar. The whole then returned to the Castle. The gentlemen took their
carriages, and were escorted across the moor by a strong party, for protection from ruffian violence. - Standard

30 December 1835
Partnerships Dissolved
Frankland & Co., Whitby, mercers and wine merchants

4 November 1837
Partnerships Dissolved
Peirson and Dobson, Whitby, common-brewers

15 March 1838
A medal to Lieutenant George S Brittain, R.N., Commander of the Coast Guard of Whitby, for his meritorious
and praiseworthy conduct in saving life and property in cases of shipwreck and especially his gallant conduct
in rescuing the lives of eight of the crew (two having been previously washed overboard) of the Middlesborough,
wrecked off Whitby on the 20th of December.

6 August 1838
On Tuesday last Mr.Wear, innkeeper of Whitby, put two notes in a nest of drawers fixed to his ceiling. On the
Monday following, on going to get out the money, he, to his consternation, foun the notes gone. No reason 
could be assigned for the mysterious disappearance of the money. A person suggested that Wear should take up
the floor above, which he did, and found his notes placed amongst a litter on which two rats had brought into
the world two families, amounting to 16 in number, the whole of which were, without any mercy, executed, 
together with their parents, upon the spot. - York Herald

16 March 1839
Partnerships Dissolved
H. and J.P.Linton, Whitby, brewers


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