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matt in my taco: hi bb
faux fairy tales: hey
matt in my taco: im home and on for a little while :-)
faux fairy tales: aw :-)
matt in my taco: yeah my dad isnt talking to me but i dont care
matt in my taco: im in a better mood now
faux fairy tales: aw yay
matt in my taco: granted im still pissed at him
faux fairy tales: i'm glad you feel a bit better
matt in my taco: :-)
matt in my taco: i dont want to jinx us, but i like the way our storyline is going
faux fairy tales: me too
matt in my taco: :-)
faux fairy tales: :-)
matt in my taco: do you want to rp?
faux fairy tales: yes!
matt in my taco: yay okay, can you start?
faux fairy tales: mhm!
faux fairy tales: Nik left the table after reassuring Hunter that he didn't mind paying, and went to the front to pay for the dinner. Once that was done, he came back to the table, smiling. "Ready?"
matt in my taco: "Yeah," he said, getting up and pushing his chair in.
faux fairy tales: He left a tip on the table then lead the way out of the restaraunt.
matt in my taco: Hunter looked around at the people eating. Everyone looked so happy. He wished he could have families like those.
faux fairy tales: Nik looked back at Hunter, furrowing his eyebrows. "Are you coming?"
matt in my taco: "Oh," he turned his head to Nik and nodded with a smile. "Sorry, yeah!" He hurried and caught up with him.
faux fairy tales: He smiled and walked out with him.
matt in my taco: "So tell me about yourself."
faux fairy tales: "Well.. I'm seventeen, I like boys, music, and movies.. And I'm the most boring person you will ever meet." he laughed softly.
matt in my taco: He laughed at the last part and nudged him against the side. "I doubt that."
faux fairy tales: He smiled, shrugging. "All I really do is sit around a lot.."
matt in my taco: "Eh, me too." He nodded.
faux fairy tales: "Now tell me about you."
matt in my taco: "Well, i'm sixteen and i'm really big on being lazy. I love to sleep.. but I like skateboarding and I was thinking of learning to surf while I was here."
faux fairy tales: "Were thinking? Youdidn't get around to it?" he looked over at Hunter as they walked.
matt in my taco: He shrugged. "Even if I learned, it wouldn't be anything special. No one would notice and i'd be doing it alone."
faux fairy tales: "Well.. I'll do it with you. I know how to surf a little."
matt in my taco: "Really?" He smiled.
faux fairy tales: He nodded, smiling. "How about the day after tomorrow?"
matt in my taco: "That's great." He nodded and walked along the road.
faux fairy tales: He smiled again, walking alongside Hunter quietly, just listening to the locals playing music.
matt in my taco: "I love it so much here. I just wish my family would let me enjoy it with them.."
faux fairy tales: "Well now you can enjoy it with me!" he grinned.
matt in my taco: He blushed and looked down. "Okay."
faux fairy tales: He nudged Hunter gently. "I was trying to make you feel better. I don't want your family to get you down."
matt in my taco: "I know, I know." He looked at Nik and smiled. "I'm fine.

faux fairy tales: He smiled and nodded a bit, walking along. "Do you wanna go down to the beach?"
matt in my taco: He nodded, looking up at the sky. The stars were out and it was pretty dark. He suddenly felt a rush of nervousness and looked away from Nik. "Yeah."
faux fairy tales: He smiled a bit and turned directions, going between some huts to get to the beach.
matt in my taco: Hunter followed quietly, wondering why he didn't want to leave Nik.
faux fairy tales: "I think they might be having a couple bonfires tonight."
matt in my taco: "Really?" Hunter bit his lip. He had never been to a bonfire.
faux fairy tales: "Yeah, it's so much fun. Have you ever been to one?" he looked back at Hunter.
matt in my taco: He shook his head and released his lip. "Never."
faux fairy tales: "You're going to enjoy it so much." he smiled.
matt in my taco: "What.. do you do at a bonfire?"
faux fairy tales: "You just sit around and enjoy other peoples company."
matt in my taco: He smiled and walkd a little closer to Nik. "Sounds cool."
faux fairy tales: "It really is." he smiled and finally got onto the beach, seeing a bonfire.
matt in my taco: Hunter licked his lips and walked up the beach toward the bonfire.
faux fairy tales: "And if at any time you want to leave, just tell me."
matt in my taco: He laughed a little, trying to sound more cool than he had been. "Okay, it's fine."
faux fairy tales: "Hey, I think I see a couple of my friends. They're really nice, they like everyone." he smiled at Hunter.
matt in my taco: "Alright," he said, smiling. "Introduce me."
faux fairy tales: He walked over to the bonfire, hugging a couple girls, and a couple guys. "Hey guys, this is Hunter, he's visiting with his family for the week." His four friends each greeted you, especially the two girls. "Just visiting, huh? Too bad."
matt in my taco: "Just a few weeks," he said, nodding. He looked at Nik, a little unsure of what to say to them.
faux fairy tales: Nik gave Hunter a reassuring smile, hoping to let him know he could be himself around his friends. "Hunter wants to learn to surf, I told him I'd help him the day after tomorrow. Kihai, you want to help me?" The boy known as Kihai gave a smile, nodding as he drank from a cocoanut. "Anything for you, Nikolas."
matt in my taco: He smiled a little wider, feeling more comfortable, or at least a little bit. "So what do you guys do around here?"
matt in my taco: [name somg ood christmas songs]
faux fairy tales: A thin black haired girl spoke up. "Well Sarah and I, my name is Kiana by the way, we usually are working. But this week, a lot of people are taking holiday for the Ceremony of the Whales, which starts in three days."
faux fairy tales: [all i want for christmas is you, alone this holiday (by The Used), ANY of the hanson christmas songs, britney spears christmas songs, nsync christmas songs]
matt in my taco: "There's a ceremony for whales? Didn't I see something like that in a Disney movie?" He felt a little dumb, but he was curious.
faux fairy tales: Sarah, the blonde, giggled and nodded, moving over to stand beside Hunter. "Yeah, but those were fake whales. You'll actually get to see real whales if you come to the ceremony."
matt in my taco: He looked at Sarah and nodded, smiling. "I definitely want to see."
faux fairy tales: Sarah smiled, and the second and very handsome boy spoke up. "It doesn't start until midnight, so we usually just hang out on the beach before going up to the cliffs."
matt in my taco: Hunter immediately looked at Nik. There was no way he'd hang out with anyone without him.
faux fairy tales: Nik took Kihai's cocoanut and sipped the drink, looking at Hunter. "Don't worry, I'm going to be there. I'm in charge of food and whatnot." The second boy spoke up again. "Oh man, you're going to cook? I better have the paramedics on speed dial." the boy laughed, Nik gave him a push, laughing as well. "Shut up, Jay, I cooked your birthday cake, remember?"
matt in my taco: "What? So you're a chef?" He laughed a little and crossed his arms. It was started to get a bit cool.
faux fairy tales: "He's not only a chef.. He is regularly requested by a few locals around here to come cook at the Tiki Grill." Kihai informed Hunter, offering him a cocoanut drink.
matt in my taco: He shook his head and smiled. "No thanks," and then he looked at Nik. "You better cook something for me."
faux fairy tales: [kihai will be pbed by greg.. jay by jesse mccartney, sarah by hilary duff, kiana by anais]
matt in my taco: [that works :-)]
faux fairy tales: Nik laughed softly, putting his empty drink aside. "One day, maybe."
faux fairy tales: [kihai and kiana are related, but jay and sarah are not]
matt in my taco: [okay :-)]
matt in my taco: He looked down, blushing a little. He had never felt so vulnerable in his life.
faux fairy tales: Jay spoke up. "Quit being modest, Nik, you know you love impressing people by cooking." they all laughed and Nik shook his head, blushing. "I told him one day, that day could be tomorrow!"
matt in my taco: "Ooh, tomorrow's good!" He piped up.
faux fairy tales: Kiana shook her head. "Nik's busy tomorrow, he's goin.." "I'm going to pay respects to a friend of mine.." Nik finished, nodding as he looked down.
matt in my taco: He furrowed his eyebrows, not really knowing what was going on but he shrugged. "Okay."
faux fairy tales: "Hey Hunter, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jay spoke up, looking at him.
matt in my taco: He nodded. "Yeah," and walked away with Jay.
faux fairy tales: Jay took Hunter a good bit away from the bonfire. "I don't think you quite understand what paying respects means..." he looked at the boy with a soft face, not at all trying to be rude.
matt in my taco: He shook his head. "No.. I don't know what you're talking about."
faux fairy tales: "It's what you do when you go to a funeral."
matt in my taco: He jaw dropped a little. "Oh.. I, I mean, I don't really even know him so.."
faux fairy tales: "No, it's totally cool. Even Kihai, Kiana, Sarah and I just found out yesterday. Nothing to sweat about. But it's a sensitive subject for nik."
matt in my taco: He nodded. "Okay, i'll keep that in mind but.. who.. who died?"
faux fairy tales: Jay shrugged lightly. "All we know is someone Nik was really close with. We didn't know him."
matt in my taco: "Oh." What else was he supposed to say?
faux fairy tales: "I just wanted you to know that." Jay patted Hunter's shoulder, smiling.
matt in my taco: "Okay, thanks..?" He bit his lip and hurried back to the group. He felt so dumb.
faux fairy tales: Jay walked back with Hunter, though Nik wasn't at the bonfire.
matt in my taco: "Where'd Nik go?" He looked around and suddenly felt all alone.
faux fairy tales: Kihai spoke up. "Oh, he told me to tell you that he's sorry, but he'll see you the day after tomorrow."
matt in my taco: [im gonna head to bed. im tired. i know its early but im whiped]
matt in my taco: [i dont work tomorrow though so :-)]
faux fairy tales: [yay :-)]
faux fairy tales: [i'll save this]
matt in my taco: [ill talk to you later ;-* kay night ily
faux fairy tales: ily2 gn
matt in my taco is away at 10:52:10 PM.

Auto response from matt in my taco: sleeping!

matt in my taco returned at 10:52:13 PM.
matt in my taco is away at 10:52:17 PM.