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Home of the Malfurion Horde guild Revelation, heavily under construction, blathering on just so people can see wtf this looks like, bite me.

Site Updates

This site is heavily under construction so don't expect much out of it just yet, i'm just blathering on here so you can see how it looks.

Comments and suggestions would be mildly helpful, you can bother me in game. I await them with high hopes and rock hard nipples.


General Information

For people we don't know, just to get it out of the way right off the bat... any stupid ass email you send may end up posted on here for everyone we know to laugh at, so please, try and think before you send us anything.

Raid moron of the minute

Jaythekilla, mech, and crew for pulling molten giants all over the afk people. Congratulations asshats, feel free to jump off a bridge ;)