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Playing Kami

Chapter 5: Day 1
Shippo had returned a few minutes after Sango left and after a quick meal, we climbed onto the futon as the first sounds of the storm began outside the small hut. Within minutes he had fallen into a deep sleep, but I remained wide awake and believing that I would not be seeing much sleep in the up coming week. Just too much on my mind to sleep.

Deciding to take my mind off of Sesshoumaru's request for a few minutes, I listened for the sounds of the storm raging outside. Snow had already begun to fall and the wind pelted it against the side of the hut. The winds themselves, howled through the bare trees echoing through the hut. Shippo's snoring added to the sounds of nature around me.

The vacation from my thoughts didn't last long as I was already beginning to wonder what he was going to call the pup and if I would have a say in it. That got me wondering why I referred to it as a pup while talking to or thinking about Sesshoumaru, but when I talked to Sango I called it a child. Then that got me wondering about what I would have to do to get pregnant.

Now that I am officially beat red from where my thoughts turned, I believe forcing myself to sleep would be a good idea right about now. Snuggling in deeper into the blankets, I pulled Shippo's warm body against my own so we could share body heat and closed my eyes. Pushing all thoughts from my mind again, I began to drift off.

The next morning dawned too early in my option and all too soon Shippo was gently shaking my shoulder, rousing me back into the land of the living. Some place I didn't not want to be at the moment. "I'm up, I'm up." I mumbled waving my hand at him to get him to go away. Rising from the futon, I grabbed some of my clothes from the shelves I use as my dresser and began to dress.

Heading over to the small fire he had gotten started, I began making breakfast as I listened to the sounds of the still raging storm outside the small hut. Shippo sat next to me and began coloring in one of the books I had brought back for him on one of the last trips I made to the future. "Inuyasha's coming." he told me not bothering to look up from his book.

"Good morning Inuyasha." I called out when the hut door opened up letting cold air fill the room. "And close that door you're letting the heat out." I complained as I looked up from the fire and turned to him. I couldn't help it, I busted up laughing and Shippo looked up to see what I was laughing at. Inuyasha stood there shaking the snow off, looking very much like a dog at the moment.

"Hey wench I hope some of that food is for me." Inuyasha demanded as he plopped down on the floor next to the fire. I raised my eyebrows at him and he growled in return. "Fine, can I have some food?" Inuyasha inquired with a huff. I nodded my head before yawning and turning back to the food and began dishing it up on three plates.

"So what brings you here so early in the morning?" I questioned although I was pretty sure I already knew the answer. More than likely he was here to see what his brother had wanted the night before and truthfully I was kind of surprised that he hadn't shown up sometime during the night to bug me about it. He wolfed down his food before turning back to me to answer.

"What did that bastard want?" he demanded as he held out his plate for a second helping. As I refilled it, I wondered how much I should really tell him if I wanted to get through the day without a headache. But he would find out sooner or later and would probably get pissed off at me if I don't tell him the truth right away.

"Let me finish before you speak." I insisted as he began digging into his food again and gave me a quick nod. "Sesshoumaru asked me to sire a child with him. He needs a body to put Rin's soul in since she was killed and it has to be part human or it won't work. Apparently I am the only human he doesn't get sick thinking about touching."

"It's a pup not a child." Inuyasha informed me as he finished off his plate. After a moment he shook his head and glared at me. "Wait what did you say?! I must have heard wrong because there is no way that bastard would want to have a pup with you." he insisted and once again I ignored the insult as he had probably meant it the same way as Sango.

"I told you Inuyasha. The pup has to be at least part human and he doesn't want to go with full human because she would end up dieing again. Besides I'm pretty sure he picked me because Rin did at least look a little bit like me and he doesn't think I will tell him no." I replied with a shrug, truthfully it didn't matter to me the why, it's not like he was gonna confess loving me out of no where.

"Of course you're going to tell him no! Are you really that stupid?!" Inuyasha demanded as he once again raised his voice, echoing off the walls in the small room. Turning toward Shippo I nodded toward the back room and with a sigh he gathered his toys and headed off toward the back. Turning back to Inuyasha, I took a deep breath before answering him.

"Inuyasha I know you don't get along with your brother and for that reason I really wish it could be someone else, but you have to look at this from my point of view. This could be my only chance to have a child of my own and as much as I love Shippo and he is my son in every way, I would love to have my own child."

"Half brother and what are you talking about? You have plenty of time to have children. You may have lost your chances with Kouga, which you lucked out on, but there have to be tons of guys that would want to marry you and have kids with you." Inuyasha insisted as he jammed his hands into the sleeves of his haori.

"Inuyasha think about it. How many priestesses do you know? How many of them have gotten married and had children? None. It's just not in the cards for us. I have a chance now. I would get a child who would definitely outlive me, I would be able to take care of her until she is able to take care of herself, and would have the strength of both parents.

"What more could I ask for? I mean it's really not that different from normal except that her parents wouldn't be married and in my time that's not that uncommon. And just think, black hair and golden eyes or even brown eyes and white hair. She would be beautiful, she would be strong enough to take care of herself, and she might be my only chance."

"But it's Sesshoumaru Kagome, do you have any idea how many times he's tried to kill you? Me? He hates half demons and has made my life hell because I was born with human blood. How do you think he's going to treat his own bastard pup? I know you want a child but you aren't thinking straight Kagome, this is a very bad idea."

"Look Inuyasha I have a week before he comes back for my answer and I might end up saying no but to tell you the truth I doubt I will. He came to me and asked for help and even gave me the choice in it. You should have heard him calling her his daughter, even showing emotion. I realize that it was all probably to guilt me into helping, but still.

"Inuyasha I understand you see this as me going against your with your half-brother, but you know me better than that. This truly has nothing to do with you. It's not his way to get back at you or me being mad at you. This is simply about both Sesshoumaru and I needing something the other can give. I understand your reasonings, but you have to understand mine as well."

"I don't know if I can do that." he replied after a few minutes of silence before rising and walking out the door without so much as a goodbye. I stood and walked over to close the door since he hadn't bothered to before heading toward the back room where I had sent Shippo to go play. I figured after the conversation he had heard he would want to talk.

"Shippo you okay back here?" I questioned as I walked in and found him coloring by our futon. He glanced up a me quickly before nodding his head and turning back to his coloring book. "You want to talk about what you heard?" I inquired as I sat down next to him after moving a few toys out of my way.

"Do you not want me as your kid any more? Is that why you are going to have a kid with Sesshoumaru?" Shippo questioned after a few moments and shaking my head I pulled him into my lap, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I was afraid he would see it that way, he's been my only child for so long it's not surprising that he would worry about that.

"Shippo there is no reason in the world that I would never not wish for you to still be my son. I love you, I have since I first met you and I will forever. You will always be my first son, nothing can ever change that. But because I didn't give birth to you I missed out on a lot of things and this will give me a chance to have those, plus you would get a new baby sister."

"What did you miss out with on me? And what's so great about a younger sister?" Shippo questioned and I couldn't help but laugh. I remember asking my mother the same thing about younger brothers when I first learned she was pregnant with Souta. I learned quickly enough how great and annoying it could be to have a younger sibling just as I am sure Shippo will.

"I missed out on watching my belly grow to the size of a house, odd eating habits and morning sickness, but I also missed out on the great things like feeling a life growing inside of me, the feeling you get knowing you created a life and brought it into the world, the cry a baby makes when it first enters the world.

"And more than that I missed first steps, first words, first time you crawled, stood up on your own. Everything great that happens to a baby in its first few years I missed with you. It doesn't make me love you any less Shippo, nothing could, but I still wish I was there to see it. This will give me the chance to see everything I missed out on with you.

"And I know it doesn't seem that great at first, it didn't when my mom first told me she was going to have Souta, but trust me it gets better. You get to be the big brother, the one in charge of making sure no one hurts her, she doesn't get picked on, there to defend her when she gets into trouble, to stand up for her and teach her things.

"It may not seem like it now Shippo, but trust me, the moment she is born you will wonder why you ever thought having a younger sister was a bad thing. The moment you see her you will understand what I am telling you now." I promised as I ran my fingers through his red hair. He still didn't quite seem to believe me and so I pulled him closer to let him know I wouldn't leave him behind.