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Welcome To My Site of Everything That I Like!!!



So I have created this website for a couple of reasons.  One, because it's a school project, and two, because it's all about me and everyone needs to know about me!  *lol*  This page has a bit about me, my friends, stuff that I like, and my new baby cat, Paris.

Near the bottom of my page, actually just below this paragraph, are links to the different areas of me that I included in this page.  I have a page with all of my favourite websites, this page is very important to look at.  I have a page with all of my favourite books and magazines, another page with my favourite movies and CD's.  I have another page dedicated to my kitten, Paris.  My next page is random pictures of me and my friends, and the last one is of places that I want to travel to.

Websites I LOVE  

Movies & CD's

Books & Magazines



Places I want to travel to

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What do you want to search??


This site is the property of Ashley and it contents may only be used for educational purposes.  This site was last revised on 24/08/2007

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