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- The Fat -

[ + ] The Fat Clan Home
[ + ] The Fat Blog
[ + ] Fat Family Photos
[ + ] Fat Family Photos Page 2
[ + ] Fat Guy Shirts
[ + ] Fat People Games
[ + ] Fat Humor
[ + ] Fatclan Family Films
[ + ] Wee One's Photo Album
[ + ] Link


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Getting Harassed because your FAT?
File charges for Fatism....
  • Fatism: Prejudice against overweight persons. Also weightism. Very common in Europe, less so in America where most of the population is out of shape.(Fatism permeates the fasion industry.)


    The Fat Clan Bio
    "Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." --Mark Twain

    The Fat Clan
    Image hosted by

    The Breakdown
    How the fat ranking system was formed

    The Fat Ranking System
    The Fat Masters & Elders
    The Fat Boys
    The Fat Girls
    The Minor League Fatboys & girls


    [SITE UPDATE] January 4th, 2011 - this site is finally getting much needed attention again. New profiles have been added and pictures. Last names will also not appear in the site anymore to protect your privacy. Random fact of the day: if you research "Super Cow Lipper Fish" in Google Images, Michael's picture is the first to appear.

    [SITE UPDATE]: February 27th, 2008- Due to lack of time the site has been very neglected - and then to top it off, my computer decided that it doesn't like all the adds in angelfire now, so I'm searching for a new domain to host the site. Until I find a good free one that offers atleast 200mb of bandwidth & uploading space it will remain at Angelfire. I have figured out how to save some space - converting music from mp3's to compressed wav files, and I'm moving the photoalbums little by little to photobucket. You'll notice a new link to the "Wee One's Photoe Album" - its just the start of a photo album dedicated to all the kiddies. Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll also have a chance to add in newer members of the fat clan. If you have any photos or fatty graphics you want to see added to the site, be sure ta send them my way!

    [SITE UPDATE]: February 7th, 2007- Ya, I know I've been a little lazy about updating the site. But I finally found my way back here! There's a new page to the Fatclan site - the Fatclan Family Films page. Featuring some short films of fatclan family members. They include Debbie's intro into the B-rated movies business and more! If you made any of your own little films and want to see them here, email them to me and I'll put them up - or better yet, since videos don't like to travel through email, upload them to photobucket and send me the HTML tag.

    Eventually I'll get around to uploading more photos here and other things. If there's anything else you'd like to see in the fatclan site, be sure to email me(Cynthia) or Jonathan.

    [SITE UPDATE]: October 26th, 2006- Been a while since this site was updated. So what's happened over the last several months? There had been 3 new beautiful additions to the family - Morgan, Kaitlyn & Kristyn, FM-02 turned the ripe old age of 50 - and of course the rest of us have just gotten older & fatter. Lots of new photos & profiles will be added very soon. And don't forget in less then a month Grandma Joscher - FG-01 has a very special birthday coming up, November 23rd, she'll be 80 years young! Happy Early Birthday Grandma, we all love you very much!


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    layout by xxrouguexx



    - Fatty Favorites -
    - Links -

    [ + ] McDonalds
    [ + ] Burger King
    [ + ] Wendy's
    [ + ] White Castle
    [ + ] Dunkin Donuts



    - Misc. Fat Links -
    - Links -

    [ + ] The 900 Club
    [ + ] Fat Chicks in a Party Hat
    [ + ] National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
    [ + ] Fat?So?



    Want to know what the true meaning of fatman is?
    According to Urban Dictionary:
  • *The codename for the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. *The man of a character in MGS2; he's basically a fat-ass albino in a thick, highly-advanced EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) BDU (Battle Dress Uniform), and is armed with an infinite quantity of C4's and a Glock 18. He looks and sounds like he could be a mafioso criminal or something......given his weight, he'd be more like a crimelord.