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things i love!

My Favorite Web Sites

i got some comics under the name bomber
LOTS of freakin games
i don't really like it but....who cares

hey people, if u go to and go to comic box..then were it says find author type bomber...(that's me) look at crack can kill (or c.c.k.) 1 and 2 and hippies dimension...p.s one c.c.k is not does not have anything on it so dont freak just find the others! i know y'all wont like them , 'cuz they are very childish...but they're freakin hillarious and if u know me then u can tell i made them! oh some of the other comics such as good eatin' have cliches( problem) ...but...anywho ....i am gonna try to create a blog also to keep people informed! util then...JUST DEAL..ha! well LATER DAYZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! EMAIL ME PEOPLE ..TALK TO ME ABOUT WUT Y'ALL THINK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
