I [heart]

Anna: wether she'd unbelieviably happy and running around in the snow, with no jacket, waiting for swim practice, or complaining that everyone in the world is a giant moron, she's till amazingly beautiful, amusing and free. She taught me to live in the moment.
Brendan: with his eye brow ring, omish hat, short jokes [no! don't throw it to mary, she can't reach that high] or [ its not her fault she has a low center of gravity], and lack of sensitivity, he's the perfect pole to hang around. Also he matches my skills, none, in hacky sac. He taught me acceptance.
Christina: her talent is matched only by her creativity. she gave me apples in salad. and she lights up a group when her smile reaches her eyes because she's so out of this world. i'd die of boredom if i didn't have her in English. She taught me to try new things.
Heather: At one point we were inseperable, things were bad at home, so she was the closest thing to family i had. i'm at a loss for words for why we don't see each other anymore. or maybe its that we both just went in different directions. wither way shes still important to me. She taught me to find happyness all i got out of this was hurt and abandond
Jay: he makes me laugh when teh whole world's being stupid, and teases me when i get to serious. But he's only here every other day so people [Anna, Tyler, Mitchell] often feel the need to say things for him when he's not around [ie repress your black anger]. He taught me not to take things seriously.
Jackie-o: she's gone but missed, shes spunky but not insane. her beautiful eyes make you want to know her, and her personality makes you glad you do. She taought me how to skank.
Jenn C.: My partner in crime. I love that i can spend two hours at her house and not get anything done. She tought me not to stress.
Jenn D.: an angel in my eye. her tough girl act makes you think the worlds perfect but she's still inoccent...deep down...somewhere. She tought me to experiment i don't hate you. i just don't think our friendship was worth saving.
Karen: Everything about her amazes me, her creativity, her talents, how beautiful she is when she's not being shy, or busy, or happy, or sad...but just is. I'd thought we'd lost touch for a while but we're working on it now. I want her to get out of room 103 so she can show the world what real beauty is. She taught me that theres nothing that can't be fixed.
Maria: My mia-mia, we are kindred souls her and i. with her monotone and my high pitched voice, we could take over the world...or maybe just TEAM's guestbook. She taught me that people could love orchestra.
Marie: My only connection to 7th grade. we were great friends in middle school until she moved away. i think we talked all of three times between grade 8 and 11, until she tranfered to Harvey [ two blocks from my school]. I love that we didn't talk for so long and we still have so much in common. I'd trust her with anything just because she is so real. She tought me that not everything is obvious.
Nibiha[nibbles]: my american turned cunuck. we bonded instantly the second time we meet over the hate of a certain poser we all know. her personality is infectious and she makes me feel real. i don't have to worry about what i say around her because she accepts me for who i am. i'd do anything to make her smile becaues i know she'd do the same for me. She tought me to be free.
Tristan: don't let the nick name [Trash] fool you, because he's anything but. He's genuinely sweet and cares about your greater well being, all the while making you laugh and experiance life. but so help me god trash if you try to stum my guitar in class or make it go out of tune again i'll tell you mum about the tattoo. He tought me who Zack Wylde was.
Tyler: my only multi-eye coulored friend, this alone could amuse me for hours but he's got a amazing personality to match. he's the only one who would make me try in hacky sac, and wouldn't yell when i missed or didn't pay attention. he's the reason i can play at all today. plus his hieght is a great asset. He tought me patience.
Tekle: My daddy. i wouldn't be anywhere if i didn't have him. Everything i do, i do it for him. He tought me to try.
Shewit: she's often refeered to as "my little sister", though we're really distant cousins. But i love her like one. She's the most amazing 7 year old i know, and she makes me want to make everything in the world awsome and fun for her. she's beautiful when she's sleeping and gorgous when she smiles. She tought me what having a sister really ment.