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The Inked Gurrl

Greetings and salutations! I'm a 23 year old (24 June '04) from Tejas back from a brief stint in Fabulous Las Vegas! I came back to DFW to finish the nursing degree I started on in 1998, but there's a possibility I'll be going to school in Galveston instead. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I never know what I'm doing until it's done and I change my mind as often as Texas weather changes, so we'll see. I'm not holding my breath, but it seems to be the most likely plan at the moment...

Anyway, here are a few random (and poor quality, I might add) pics of me. The next page has my tattoos, so please feel free to check those out. If I chat with you online, drop me a line and say howdy at InkedGurrl on Yahoo & AIM. Check out some other cool links at the bottom of the page and enjoy the music!!

To see my tattoos,


Check out some cool shit here:

Cool tunes from Texas' own, BEN PONDER!!! (who just happens to be my boy!!)

Schuuu-WEET FREE ANIMATIONS for all you Net Nerds out there who like to make web pages like I do.

Let the nastiness and perversion run rampant on your screen at ROTTEN.COM or CONSUMPTION JUNCTION.COM. Enough sick shit to make even the biggest bad ass blush!!

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