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Hello and welcome to my Matrix page. 

I watched the Matrix last year after being told it was the greatest film in the world.  It was hyped up by my mates so much that when I watched it I just had to say it was crap so they couldn't say 'I told you so'!!!!

But, after watching it again I realised it WAS the best film in the world and the Wachowski brothers are great writers and deserve lots of credit for the films.

So, I had to see Matrix Reloaded when it came out.  And it was so much better than I thought it would be!        

Carrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves are very foxy too!

Costume design was spectacular and the special effects were amazing.  If it's true that Keanu Reeves is going to give $50 million to them, they deserve it.


If anyone has any views on the Matrix, email me at and I'll put it on this page.

I understand that Carrie-Anne is very heavily pregnant, (not too sure whether she's had it yet), so good luck to her with all the birth and stuff .  We hope it's a very healthy baby, and we hope Carrie-Anne is okay too.

Also, in the newspaper today (18/6/03) I read that Keanu wishes he had time to find a girlfriend and have a family.  Well, I'm sure there are plenty of women out there Keanu.  I'd have a family with you!  Seriously, such a handsome man like yourself will find someone you're meant to share the rest of your life with.  Until then, phone me.....!!!!


Here are a few pictures off the official Matrix site (Please don't sue me!).  Just below the pictures there's a few other page links.  Aren't they just gorgeous?!!!  Yummy!!!





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(I hope that by having this page on my site, I'm not doing anything illegal.  If the Wachowski brothers see this and they don't like it, can they please email me and I'll erase all trace of it.)