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My website!

my favorite things in the world

my favorite sites

Funny audio and games
Funny site for kiddy kid kids
Game site for mature audiences only
for kids over the age of 50

Hey! I'm someone, and if your here odds are your here by mistake or because i sent you here. If your here because of some other reason, i have no idea how you found this site! Well heres a little bit about me. My name is Adam. I have a realy cool family and really cool friends.I'm in the 7th grade and i dont like it! And i dont love it. And i dont want some more of it! I like swimming, running, baseball, basketball,the internet, video games,girls, and alot more. I also like playing games with my cousins and annoying people like icecream truckers! Like it really annoys them if you yell STOP and they do and then you just walk away! I've dont that and i thought it was funny. I also like music! My favorite bands are The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorilaz,Korn,and other people, i dont really know who they are, i just like the songs, im really into rock and stuff more then anything though! Well I'm new at this so dont be to disapointed with my site! Enjoy! OHHH, and if you need me and you have aim or yahoo...instant message me at thecrazysport(aim) or dabomb1991(yahoo)
