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What Was I Thinking?

#1 "It begins" (2/15/03)

#2 "The introduction of Calli" (2/16/03)

#3 "Fight averted/Introduction of Nokame" (2/17/03)

#4 "Kat?" (2/21/03)

#5 "Kat and the signs"(2/24/03)

#6 "Technobabble" (2/28/03)

#7 "Calli done a bad thing" (3/07/03)

#8 "All hail Calli" (3/14/03)

#9 "And now, back to C-4" (5/25/03)

#10 "With great power comes great-Aw, screw it!" (5/28/03)

#11 "Hunting?" (6/01/03)

#12 "Yup, he's that stupid." (6/04/03)

#13 "Much fun!" (6/07/03)

#14 "Powerful-ness." (6/11/03)

#15 "Typical C-4" (6/14/03)

#16 "Well...that was easy..." (6/17/03)

#17 "I HATE villans like that..." (6/21/03)

#18 "Extra lives=My best friend." (6/25/03)

#19 "One down..." (6/28/03)

#20 "Dead? Oh ye of little faith..." (7/02/03)

#21 "Late fourth comic." (7/05/03)

#22 "You have entered...The Twilight Zone." (7/09/03)

#23 "He's Megaman, not Smartman." (7/12/03)

#24 "He should be fine." (7/19/03)

#25 "The blocks." (7/19/03)

#26 "Those damn blocks." (7/23/03)
