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You Freak........

Would you be considered an ill freak, if you died for something people can't see and the only evidence that it exist is in your heart?

This is a website I'm making to encourage Christain teens to not be afraid to leave their comfort zones and stand up for what they believe in.Alot of Christian teens believe that if they just go to church every wednesday and sunday, stay away from drugs and sex,stay away from bad influences and stay in their little group of Christian friends, that they are living a life of Christ to the fullest.Thats not the case.Christian teens, don't get me wrong, keeping your body a pure sacrafice for Christ is great but GOD wants you to do more in your life.Get out of you comfort zone of Christian friends and talk to someone who doesn't know Christ.I mean, don't you want others to experience the change that Christ made in your life?Get extreme for Christ, He was definitely extreme for you.Would you go as far as to die for the truth?The truth that there is a God that would take physical form, sacrafice himself and endure human pain just for us, unworthy man?

Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, but he also came to afflict the comfortable.

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*audio adrenaline*
