
Versus: Nathan jones    Event: Smackdown    Stipulation: Triple Threat

Record:     00-00-00    Promo:3     00

Punked Out    

- People Beat Here

ACHIEVEMENTS: - Joining wMe -

¦¦ Scene Opens ¦¦

CM Punk is back from his over seas trip and already he has a packed schedule. In 1 hour he has to be at the local mall. CM Punk and his body guards get into the car and the car drives off and heads for the mall

¦¦CM Punk¦¦Boy am i glad that we are out of that dump they call austrailia.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah me too because those damn austrailian's were so disrespectful to you.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦Yeah i know i dunno who those austrailian's thought they were talking to. Im CM Punk for god sake.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Hey man anyway how did you get on with that receptionist whats her name again.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ ohh sarah.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Oh yeah thats her.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ So anyway how did you and sarah get on in your hotel room.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Nothing happened between us if thats what your thinking,we just sat down had a drink and we talked. And i told her more about wrestling and i told her that i was gonna totally kick the crap out of that nathan jones and scotty 2 hotty.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Are you sure thats all you talked about,i mean you came out your room the next day looking happy.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah im came out my room looking happy because i knew it wasnt long before i get into the ring with nathan jones and scotty 2 hotty.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Why would you be happy about that?

¦¦CM Punk¦¦Im happy about that because that means i can get into that ring knowing that its my debut match and also knowing that i am going to kick the crap out of that austrailian dirt bag nathan jones and the so called worm king scotty 2 hotty.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ well i suppose you could be happy about that. anyway its not that long until you do get to kick there asses.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Your damn right its not that long away,if only i could fast forward time to my match then i would be even more happier so that i wouldnt have to wait to kick there asses i could just do it straight away.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah that would be good.Anyway we are here.

The car pulls up outside the mall and the 2 guards and CM Punk emerge from the car and they make there way into the mall. CM Punk and the guards are walking through the mall and CM Punk is stopped by a boy aged about 14 - 18 years old.

¦¦Young Teenager¦¦ Hey CM Punk sir can i have your autograph.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah sure kid no problem thats why im here.

¦¦Young Teenager¦¦ Thanks CM Punk.Anyway i just wanna let you know that i am a big fan of yours and i have followed you since you first started in the nwa/tna and now since you came to the wme i watch it even more just because your there.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Hey thanks kid that means alot to you go heres your autograph.Look i gotta go now ok.

¦¦Young Teenager¦¦ Yeah ok see ya and ohh good luck in your match on smackdown this week i cant wait to see it.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦Yeah thanks kid ill see you later.

CM Punk and the guards start walking down the centre of the mall again.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ It does definently feel good to be back in america. Did you see the kindness of that young american teenager. He came up to me and asked kindly for an autograph. He was nothing like those scum austrailian's who disrespected me over there.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah he was kind to you and your damn right it does feel good to be back here. anyway here we are.

CM Punk and the guards arrive at the autograph table where a line of loads off people are waiting just to get a photo and an autograph from CM Punk. As soon as the fans see CM Punk they begin to shout and scream. CM Punk sits down at the autograph table. The first person steps up.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Hey Kid what can i do for you?

¦¦Small Kid¦¦ Can i have your autograph and a picture aswell please CM Punk sir.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah sure what your name.

¦¦Small Kid¦¦ My name sean sir.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Ok sean ill sign the autograph saying to sean have a nice day from your buddy CM Punk. How does that sound?

¦¦Small Kid Sean¦¦ Yeah that sounds good sir.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Ok Heres your autograph,And do you still want that picture?

¦¦Small Kid Sean¦¦ Yeah of course i do,i dont wanna miss out on the oppurtunity of getting my photo taken with you.

The kid hands the camera to CM Punk and CM Punk hands it to one of his body guards and CM Punk puts his arm around the kid and the body guard takes the picture and then hands the camera to CM Punk and CM Punk hands it back to the kid.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ There you go kid.

¦¦Small Kid Sean¦¦ Thanks CM Punk see ya.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah see ya kid take care now.

CM Punk then signs the about 20 more autographs and then stops. he then walks off with his guards and gets a load of boo's as he leaves loads of fans standing there without an autograph. CM Punk and the Guards go up the esculator and then they walk over to a balcony above all the people who he didnt sign an autograph for.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Look im sorry i didnt get to sign autographs for all of you but i will leave you with a few things. just to let you know that this week i will kick nathan jones and scotty 2 hottys ass on smackdown. because little did you know i went and i visited austrailian where nathan jones is from and when i get there i got nothing but disrespect from them. They were saying he was gonna kick my ass and that he would wipe the ring with my ass. Anyway i just laughed in there faces because i knew that he doesnt stand a chance against me. hes just a austrailian scum bag who thinks he is big and hard because he was in prison for 10 years. You see i dunno how spending 10 years in prison for armed robbery can make you think your big and hard and can beat somebody like me. You see not only will i kick nathan jones ass but i will kick that scotty 2 hottys ass aswell and prove to him that he is not that tough and that he aint a worm king because i will put the worm out of action.

The fans begin to cheer in the middle of the mall and CM Punk says a few final words to the 100+ fans below.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ So you guys better tune into smackdown to see me kick ass more than i ever have before because this week on smackdown is my debut match and i wont let you people down and i wont let the people in the arena down aswell because i will pepsi plunge nathan jones and scotty 2 hottys as straight to the mat and then pin either one of them for the 1..2..3 for my first victory in the wme.

CM Punk and the guards walk off and walk along the right hand side of the mall.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ That was well said CM Punk.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Your damn right that was well said because every word i said is true because i will win on smackdown i guaren-damn-tee you.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Yeah well i cant wait to see that man.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Anyway CM Punk those fans didnt seem happy that you didnt give them all an autograph.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah they didnt seem happy until i gave them that speech because i think that cheered them up abit.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah it sure did.Anyway your hand must be killing off signing those autographs,well most of them anyway.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Nah not really.hey i wanna go into that sports store see if i can spot some new gear for my match

CM Punk and the guards walk into the shop called All Sports and CM Punk takes alook around and picks up a pair of knee length shorts he likes.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ These should look good in my match on smackdown dont you think.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah actually they would look good in your match on smackdown.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah now i just need to find a pair of wrestling boots now.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Hey theres some over there.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Oh yeah i see them.

CM Punk walks over to the wrestling boots and picks up a white pair of them.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah these should do lets go and pay for them.

CM punk walks over to the counter and he puts the items on the desk.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Ill just take these things.

¦¦Employee¦¦ Ok sir.

The Employee runs the items through the till.

¦¦Employee¦¦ That will be $110.00 please sir.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Is that all? Boy is it cheap in here i think ill come here for my clothes shopping all the time.

CM Punk hands over the $110.00 to the employee.

¦¦Employee¦¦Thanks you sir and here are you items.

CM Punk grabs his bag with his items in and he leaves the store and he walks down the mall esculators.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ That employee back in the store didnt even notice who i was.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ yeah i know it shows just how sad people like him are.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah i know man anyway lets get into the car and head off to the arena.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦Yeah sounds like a good idea lets go.

CM Punk and the guards get into the car and the car drives off.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Well i had a pretty ok time today it was much better than that dump austrailia and at least the fans here have respect for me and believe that i am gonna kick ass on smackdown this week.

¦¦Body Guard #1¦¦ Yeah it was good i enjoyed myself today. anyway CM Punk just focus on your match.

¦¦CM Punk¦¦ Yeah your right i just need to focus on kicking there asses on smackdown because thats exactly whats gonna happen i cant wait. i cant wait just to see those peoples faces in the arena when i pin either scotty 2 hotty or nathan jones for that 1..2..3 count. And then that should shut those scum bag austrailians up.

¦¦Body Guard #2¦¦ Yeah thats right man.

¦¦ Scene Ends ¦¦

OOC Message: this is my debut rp i hope you enjoy..

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