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Hi, y'all, I suppose if you're reading this you want to know something about me... So...I'm Abby, I attend IUP. I am a Psychology major and a dance minor. I have two parents that think they know and understand me... but my mother likes to give me this idea that she understands me or what I'm going through and two minutes later she turns around and proves to me that she has no clue. My father well thats kind of a different and difficult story... in my 21 years of life my relationship was very rocky to say the least for a long period of time we barely talked, but now he's taken an interest in my life and we are starting to build a functional relationship... but we're taking baby steps... I have two sisters and a brother... my oldest sister, Angie is a special ed teacher in Ohio... Gina lives in Pittsburgh, is in grad school and I know she has some type of job but i don't know what it is. My little brother, Nicky is in his first year of collage at PSU, and he's the best brother in the world. I suppose I should say hi to all the lenordites... my favorite family... Don't know what I'd do with out you all... luv you guys. And Brett(or as he refers to himself..."the bestest boyfriend in the world"(some times... but not too often)) who will probably never see this, seeing as how he's not gonna be in the country for a while, I love you and would do anything to have you here with me... I miss you :(

Just so you know my guess book... really screwy... don't know why...


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