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My Favorite Web Sites

The BEST fourm site in the world im me for directions at Tenhello

Ok to every one that is bored here is my questneer. If you are realy realy bored corect alllll my spelling mistakes. Email me your ansers at my email adress should be at the bottom of this page. If you dont have anything to email me with (like J) then just wait till im on say ?neeer and just anser them (ill save the im) yups! Ok here we go....
  Favoirtes 1) Who are you?   2) Where are you from?   3) How old are you?   4) Where do you live?   5) Whats your favorite color?   6) Whats your favorite drink?   7) Coke or Pepsi? 8) Lemendad or Ice tea? 9) Wats ure fav. candy? 10) Food? 11) Snack? 12) Wats ya fav. animal? 13) Sea animal? 14) Bug? 15) Mammal? 16) Bird? 17) Fish? 18) Toad or Frog? 19) Wats your favorite shade (black, white)? 20) Wats ya fav. show? 21) Wats ya fav. anime? 22) Wats ya fav. manga? 23) Wats ay fav. song? 24) Band? 25) Eniglish Band? 26) Japanese Band? 27) Wats ya fav. Pet? 28) Wats your fav. thing to do? 29) Wats your favorite outfit? ME
This is a quiz on me. Yes I know there is a few sites that does it for you but I decided this is better. More customizible and not multible choice so it is harder. HA HA HA! Lets see if you know me!
30) What is my fav color(s)? 31) Animal? 32) Pet? 33) American show(s) 34) Anime (s) 35) Wats my doggys name? 36) Wats my fav #? 37) I luv...... 38) I was a ___ for halloween last year. 39) Me aim name(s) are...... 40) My bday is___ 41) So then I am a _____ (sunsighn, zodiac sighn) 42) How old am I? 43) Wats my sex?? Gender???? HEE! 44) My fav. site is ____ 45) GIVE A WAY Wats my email adress 46) ANOTHER GIVE AWAY Where is my ?neer 47) True or False... I have big boobs! 48) Wat is big yellow? 49) Name alll are inside jokes!!!!!!!!! 50) Name other junk about me! 51) Wats my phone #? 52) How do you think you did? Em got 5 1/2 wrong! BOOOOOO!
Back to you! These questions are much more harder then the others. Actuallky there just opinated. Explain why! Oh there about everybody and thing the qiz is over... for now
Expo's 53) Label me! Punk prep, mix, watever. Why did you label me that? Explain! 54) How do you feel about the war in Irag? Why do you feel that way? 55) Define: Life 56) Love 57) Death 58) Re anser 1-29 and explain why you made that anser! 59) Describe your dream house. Wat makes it speacial?
Ok here comes my favorite section. The hole expo thing is over but you can explain if you want! Oh and I promise not to tell anyone these ansers.
60) Wats ure depest darkest secret? 61) Wat is the most descusing thing you ever done in truth or dare? 62) Wat is the most descusing question you asked in truth or dare? 63) Who is your most secret crush? 64) Wats ya most embarisng moment? 65)
