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Tantric Temptations
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What Is Tantra? If you want to feel more peace, love, aliveness, and the best sex you ever dreamed of, this Indian science and spiritual practice may be perfect for you. Tantra is an ancient path to enlightenment with roots in Buddhism and Hinduism. It's the art of loving yourself and your partner to reach states of higher consciousness. Tantra is the total surrender, or letting go of all mental, emotional and cultural conditioning, so that universal life energy may flow through you like a river without any effort. It is a letting go to a universal love. When fear is removed, Tantra remains. The word "Tantra" has many definitions, and perhaps its real meaning has been lost to antiquity. Some say it comes from the Sanskrit or Hindi word for fabric or tapestry, meaning that it is woven into one's life. Others say that it comes from two Sanskrit words, Tanoti and Trayati Tanoti means to expand consciousness, and Trayati means to liberate consciousness. One might then say that Tantra expands and liberates consciousness. The highest possible synthesis between love and meditation, Tantra is also the connection between the third dimension and other planes of existence beyond mere materiality. While not a religious philosophy, Tantra embraces a deep spiritual understanding of life and an ancient art of living in harmony with existence. It is treating sexual energy as a friend, rather than something to be suppressed or talked about in low tones. It does not deny sex, or consider sex a hindrance to enlightenment or Heavenly Grace.

To the contrary, Tantra is the only spiritual path which says that sex is sacred and not a sin. Tantrikas are God-loving rather than God-fearing. There is a most beautiful word for sex in the Sanskrit language, and that is Kama which means sex/love together, undivided and indivisible. Most everyone is familiar with the classic Kama Sutra, the 7th Century Tantric scripture. Kama is also the name for the Hindu Goddess of love... and love is what Tantra encourages-total love, including the mind, the spirit and the body. There are many reasons why two people are drawn sexually to one another. There is the need to be reassured, to reassure the other, to forget separateness, to be safe, to feel alive and vibrant, to be united, to feel in communion with, to ward off loneliness, to feel valued, to be momentarily complete, to do our duty, to transcend the daily boredom, to touch the mysterious, to awaken the life force, to be consumed by a power greater than the mind, to heal misunderstandings, to claim our territory, to reinstate our affectionate hold, to give what we believe the other wants, to keep peace, to express tenderness, and on and on and on. All of the reasons are valid; all of them are part of a deep urge toward wholeness and love. But each different reason carries with it a different energy field. Some of these fields are mutually compatible, and some are not. If, for example, we are longing to be reassured that we are loved and valued, and our partner is giving what he or she considers to be a duty, neither of us will be satisfied. Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at(404) 401-2510.

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