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Main Page Of The Official MisLed Website

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"When there is nothing left. Nothing to believe in. Nothing to live for. You give it all away for the feeling of being free, but once it's gone. You live for nothing. Nothing but the pure thought of living in Silence."

Jon's Comment:
To The Viewer's and Dreamer's Like Me
From time to time, I have felt like nothing could ever go my way. I've been told by some of my closest friends and family that my dream will never come true, and that I'm just waisting valuable time that I could be spending on something else. I've also felt like I've tried all I could, and couldn't do any more, so why don't I just quit. Never quit. My dream still hasn't come true yet, but I'm still chasing it. I know deep down that if you really want something to happen more than anything else, if you try your hardest and never give up, it WILL happen. So to all of you who probaly have felt, or are feeling the same as me, just remember never give up, don't let anyone get you down, keep chasing your dream and try your hardest. It can and WILL happen. You just have to believe in yourself. - Jon Shepherd -

Demo CD To Be Released November 2005
Produced By Jonathan Shepherd and Michael Layne

Memphis Area Band Association

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