G r a c e f u l H a r m o n y ~*~*~ Shu's Blog
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Thursday, February 27, 2003  
I'm honeydew bubble tea!
Click here to take the test!

shu tan played the harp //

Friday, February 21, 2003  
hey. I took this quiz, and i couldn't get the picture to show on my xanga. So i just decided to post it here.i usually don't update this blog anymore now that i have xanga and all. k ttyl. bye

According to the Which Something Corporate Song Are You? Test...

shu tan played the harp //

Saturday, January 25, 2003  
hey! I had a fever yesterday, so i left school during lunch. I'm not sick anymore. Yay..... I just came back from the gala. I have to pay $15 to watch the whole thing, so i just came home. We tried sneaking in, but we got caught. Well actually, i didn't try, but my friends did. haha. Not very succesful though. I should've just stayed, because it's so boring here at home. k ttyl. bye

shu tan played the harp //

Wednesday, January 22, 2003  
hey. I have all A's i think. Yay.... I'm gonna talk to my counselor and see if i can get into advanced La next year. Theater arts is ok. Some new ppl in my classes. Finally, i was waiting for the day when that would happened. haha. Academy sucks. Oh guess what? I have A lunch now. I don't like it. C is so much better. The only ppl i know who have a is jenny, maggie, priya, eugenia, kelly, natalie, and katie. Not that many ppl. A cute guy is in my 4th hr. hehe. k ttyl. bye

shu tan played the harp //

Friday, January 17, 2003  
hey. I like being crushless! It's very refreshing. Anyway.... I'm so glad finals are over. So far i have an A in health. I don't know about any of the other classes. But i'm not failing them.:-) That looks like a messed up smiley face. lol.

What Do You Wear to Bed?

Brought to you by Faytrial

shu tan played the harp //

Thursday, January 16, 2003  
hey. My team actually did pretty good. We got a 9.03. Not bad girls. Have u guys ever liked somebody and u wanted to stop liking them but u couldn't because, well u couldn't? THat's actually how i feel right now. It sucks. This kid that like hits on every other girl keeps on talking to me and stuff. I don't want to be mean and say go away u know. I'm too nice. He says he doesn't like me in that way, but i really don't like him anymore than a friend. I'm jealous of every girl who has a date for sadies right now. I don't want to go up to some random hot guy and be like oh, do u wanna go to sadies. THey'd think i was some freak. I know it's far away and all, but it's stupid to go stag. Especially if all ur friends have dates. Ok, i'm exaggerating a little. Not all my friends have dates but it sure feels like it. *sigh* Life sucks. ttyl.

shu tan played the harp //

Wednesday, January 15, 2003  
hey. Finished with the first day of finals. I think i did pretty good on both. I just have to play my solo in orchestra tomorrow and do whatever ms.kennedy says to do on the uneven bars. Not that hard. But I'm gonna miss gymnastics. :-( I got mrs.mcdermott a candle from bath and body works. She's the coolest teacher. I guess all health teachers are cool. Mrs.Frushour was awesome. Anyway..... Sadies is in excatly a month. One of my friends already has a date. I don't want to ask anyone, but i want to go with my friends like at hc. Well it's a month away so things might change. k ttyl. bye

shu tan played the harp //


Email Me: @ cutieshu3322@hotmail.com
IM Me: btrcp716(aol), cutieshu3322 (msn)
Sign the @ Guestbook @

Time: 1:57
Mood: in love
Wearing: sweater and khakis
Eating:nothing, just had lunch
Thinking:i'm bored
Talking to:julie, lacey,yin, and cici
Song of the Day: Beautiful by CHristina A
Site of the Day:mine!
Craving for:nothing


http://blog out

