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My Rockin Page

The Best Things About Being An Idiot

Click here to go to the main groupboard page. Poof! Be gone, your breath is so strong,WAIT, COME BACK, you need a tictac, wait, don't go, you need the whole pack!!! hehe.
I love Benji from Good Charlotte and David from Simple Plan! Stay Away, their mine!!!!!!!!
Sometimes, I picture myself hugging him...
But, mostly, I use my neighbor help pretend...
If you spin around, you get dizzy.
Heaven don't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over...
I wantyed to kill the sexiest girl alive, but then I realized, that would be suicide...
They say milk makes the body look good, but DANG, how much did you drink?????

My Fav. Sites

My friend's site. It's her online diary. Get a virtual pet.
another good home page site
