About Me:

Quick Stats:

Full Name: Heather Danielle A********
Nicknames: Heathcliff, Heathie, Lady Heather, Other words I can not say..ha ha
Birthdate: March 12, 1986
Birthplace: Vernon, BC, CANADA
Grew up in: several places in BC
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Family: Sure why not..
Pets: Not yet! I will hopefully be getting a kittie soon.(I'm going to name it Greggo)
Facts: I have 5 piercings in my ears(2 in my left, 3 in my right), 1 belly piercing, and a Canadian Maple Leaf, with "I AM" just below it, for a tattoo on my right ankle.


So...This is me...EEeekk! Eh? So you want to know the "Inner" me...well probably not, but for those who would actually want to know my beliefs and dreams well here it goes:

I believe that you should follow your own heart. I believe in God, but I don't believe in religion. All the more power to people who do go to church, and such though. I am obsessed with CSI and ALIA[S] of course. I spent most of my days growing up down in the okanagan area of B.C. I moved to FSJ, BC when I was in grade 6. I have lived here ever since unfortunately. I have this addiction of buying things online, and buying movies. I have over 200 DVDs. hahaha. My favourite film is Run Lola Run. It is a foreign movie about how little decisions can change fate. It rated #109 out of the top 250 films of all time. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. My favourite book is Intensity by Dean Koontz. All I can say is that it was VERY intense! I litterally could not put it down. I have this fascination with forensics now, and I am going back to school in the fall to pursue that dream. I am told that I am "special", but I don't think that is true. I think I am just like anyone else in this world. I'm a kind of person who likes to be by themselves. As for the people that know me, Im weird and crazy, but to people I don't know, Im shy. People mistake my shyness for stuck up, but whatever. I have one sister, but I dont like her. I don't think we have ever got along ever since I was born. ha ha. If my sister and I stood next to each other you would never know we were sisters. We are two completely different people, and I would like to keep it that way! For those who know the story, it's a good thing too! lol Hmmm...what else to say. My favourite bands are Sarah McLachlan, Our Lady Peace, The Crystal Method, Evanescence, etc. My favourite foods are tacos, and pasta. lol okay I dont know what else to tell ya...if you want to know more than you can just email me!


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