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Random Shit

July 30th 2004 10:34pmMT. (ish... I cant read my watch)

Hey somehow someway you stumbled onto our poor sad pathetic site.(we suck at spelling, were retarted.... and its all from the weed..... weed weed weed..... ok so.... were not actually retarted but.... you get the point!!!!)It may take a bit for our small little minds to get this big humongous(ahhhhh how to spell me dont know)site fully up and running... so get over it and enjoy whatever we have so far.We'll update (hopefully) once a week.... so please just hold on to your seats... were not talking a week in sim days... This website may not make much sense but then again neither do we. ENJOY!!!!! (You bunch of sad ass mother fuckers...)

July 31st 2004 1:05amMT (ish... god damnet I still cant read my watch... no its just because theres no indications where the minutes are... the watch is the three hands... with only the 12 the 3 the 6 and the 9...and its square!!!!!)

WOW!!!!! Its somewhere to actually go on our website... amazing huh??? Our Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Page

January 21st 2005 2:13pmMT

Wow.... damn its been a while since we've updated huh? Its just me the Ring Master. My partner in crime is elsewhere probably getting high what else... any ways Im working on a new page go ahead and enter if you wish its not necissary I was just bored and well youll see what it is... just clik the god damn pic... peace.

January 25th 2005 4:20pm MT

That reminds me Blaze it!!! um... ok... just letting you know I changed the background... I couldnt use the other one anymore.. the one with Jay and Silent Bob as if they were South Park characters... Its still Jay and Silent Bob... but... I love this picture... Ive been looking for it since the first time that I saw it... anyways got to go... Peace!

July 19th 2005 2:35pm MT

hey guys... its me Ringmaster J I have a favor to ask of anyone that comes to this site... I would like to know who all comes to this site or at least how many people... please drop us a line via e-mail either that or find me the code for a counter... I used to have one on one of my old sites... but the site had a malfunction and went down... and I can not find the code for it anymore... thanx and peace

Your death will be from being alone....Most likely
becaus you have no friends or family to give
you support in anyway...all you have is
yourself. You will probably live alone all your
life and have no social contact what so
ever....You will most likely die of old age in
your home all alone....with no one there to
morn for you...

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla

If you have enough energy to write us an e-mail to tell us how sucky our website... then do so... our e-mail is
(we made it easy for you by making it clickable)