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Ony's Home Page

Oh my gee golly willikers! Hey everybody, what's up? My name's of O'Neill or Ony or Quita or whatever the hell you wanna call me. I'm 13 years old and I go to Woodstock Middle School in Georgia. I'm unhealthily obsessed with Sum 41. Ha Ha...that's funny. Hey, did you hear? They captured Saddam Hussein alive. They found him in a hole. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ok...I'm ok. You know what's sad? I've had the game, Banjo-Kazooie for like 3 years and I still haven't beaten it. I can't wait 'till Christmas. Christmas is fun. My technology teacher wants me and my boyfriend to be preps. He's screwed up...Yeah, well, if you haven't noticed already, I'm a little weird. It's mostly just when I'm hyper though...Which is now. Yeah, well, fly away little bird, fly away and explore the land beyond!

My Favorite Things To Do When I'm Bored.

My Favorite Web Sites

Shout Outs
Cool Clothes
Punky Dolls
Sum 41