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Role-Play Number
: 01 -- XWF Record : 0 Wins 0 Losses 0 No Contests -- Versus : Four Mother Fuckers

XWF Career Achievements : None F'n Yet.

Rhyno's Thoughts..

" ECW Rules? EC F'n W Rules? What the hell is their problem? I spit on the fucking face of this match! Those dis-respectful mother fuckers! I busted my ass back in ECW to do what I did, I won title belts, I broke people in half, and I busted my fucking balls in each and every match I had, ECW was my life, I lived for ECW, and now that it's closed they wanna use it's name for a pitiful match? One fucking match.. that was a company, I'll show those pricks exactly why the fuck ECW is NOT just the label of a match, the four fuckers that I step into the ring with tonight, they turned their backs on ECW, they did fuck all to effect that company, I'll show them how the fuck things are suppose to be done.. all in the name of Extreme Championship Wrestling! "

The scene : We fade up in midnight darkness, the thick, heavy rain of Detroit Michigan comes crashing down, filling in all of the cracks of the pavements with puddles, the flickering street lamps gleam down reflecting from the soaked pavements, the nearby trees and bushes are viciously controlled in the strong winds, the combination of rain and wind is poisoning our scene with a tense motion, all could be described as the build up of death in a horror movie. Our view pans in on a tiny puddle dripping over the gloomy curb, slowly expanding as the rain drips down, the tense feeling is let lose when a black boot stamps into the puddle, splashing it out onto the road, the view backs outwards as we see a dark figure, the owner of this black boot that just destroyed this puddle. The figure is wearing black boots, black jeans, and a black hoody, with the hood covering the identity.

The figure takes his hands from his pockets and grabs hold of his hood, he slowly pulls it down, and flicks his long black hair out of his face, the light of a nearby street lamp shines down on the figure's face, it's Rhyno! Rhyno puts his hood back over his head, and buries his hands back into his hoody pocket, he begins to walk along the soaked pavements of Detroit, looking down at the ground. Rhyno continues his journey to wherever the hell he's going, until he comes to a halt, he slowly turns his head away from our view, looking straight down a pitch black alley way, covered in graffiti, Rhyno steps into the shadows of the alley way, as our view pans in, Rhyno is surrounded in darkness, and can no longer be seen, but his voice can very much be heard.

' XWF's MAN BEAST ' Rhyno: " Some people.. just never fucking learn, some people.. just don't know when to stop, no matter how much pain is inflicted, no matter how much they shriek and fucking bitch, they continue to do what they do, they continue to get on with their lives like what's happened never did happen. EC f'n W rules? What the.. fuck, is their.. fucking problem?! Didn't they see.. enough? Didn't they see enough.. pain? .. agony? .. blood? What the fuck is it they want more of? I broke bodies in fucking half.. I sent bodies.. crashing through.. fucking tables! I drew blood to faces, I put pain in people's eyes, I made the other fuckers in the back.. wake up.. look themselves in the mirror.. and dread coming to work! I did it time.. and fucking time again! Yet they ask more of me.. "

Rhyno's voice lowers down, and silence fills the scene for a few moments, until the sound of deep, heavy breathing gradually gets louder, as Rhyno pants under his breath.

' XWF's MAN BEAST ' Rhyno: " ECW rules, HUH? Is that what they want? They want me.. to do exactly.. what I did back in ECW, HUH? If that's what they want then that's what the fuck I'm gonna do, Justin Credible.. Steve Corino.. Lance Storm.. Mike Awesome.. what the fuck do they have on me? They can't get the heads up on a Man Beast! You know.. that old saying.. it springs to mind, ' Be Careful What You Wish For, You Might Just Get It ', because that's EXACTLY what the fuck they need to bare in mind! I don't think they really understand those three letters.. E.. C.. W! I don't think they really understand what the fuck I can do with those three letters listed above this match up! Heh.. "

Rhyno begins to pant alot heavier, and the grinding sound of his hands as they rub up and down one another fades in.

' XWF's MAN BEAST ' Rhyno: " I can't.. fucking.. WAIT! To see the look of pain on their faces when I'm through with 'em. Hell.. maybe they won't even have their fucking faces when I'm through with 'em, there's gonna be blood.. cuts.. bruises.. broken bones.. and broken bodies laying in the pieces of wood when I've gored their asses right fucking through it! I could sit here all fucking night and talk about what I'm gonna do to those four sorry asses! But I don't wanna tell them the mess they've got themselves into, my actions speaker louder than my words.. I'm gonna show those pricks what the fuck they've got themselves into! I'll really make 'em understand those three letters.. EC F'n W! "

The rain and winds evolve into a thunderous storm, thunder and lightening begins to battle in the sky, a flash of thunder brightens up the scene for a split second, revealing Rhyno's face as he sits in the corner of the alley, with a sick and twisted look on his face.

' XWF's MAN BEAST ' Rhyno: " Maybe.. just maybe.. they need a fucking.. demonstration! Yeah.. maybe they need a little preview.. of just what I am gonna do to those helpless mother fuckers! Or maybe.. they already know.. maybe.. they won't show, maybe.. what's all this fucking talk about MAYBE?! There's no doubt that I'll stop at nothing, they can pull out any stops they want.. any fucking blocks that they think will stop be breaking their bodies in half.. I'll just destroy them again.. and again.. and FUCKING AGAIN! "

Rhyno clenches his fists together, and begins slamming his hands into the concrete wall beside him, a flash of lightening again brightens up the scene for a split second, as Rhyno sits in the corner, looking down at the cuts on his hands after laying into the wall, an evil grin grows on his face, as his pushes his hair back out of his face.

' XWF's MAN BEAST ' Rhyno: " Argh.. just the thought of those .. fuckers! right now.. thinking to themselves that this match is gonna be a breeze.. it makes me.. fucking.. ANGRY! It pisses me the hell off! They think just because their scrawny asses where on the ECW roster ..that they have all the experience, that they can take.. any pain that I inflict! Well YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG! YOU HERE ME?! ... "

His hair slowly falls over his face, as Rhyno grabs a fist full of his own hair and flicks it back out of his eyes, he snaps up from the floor and comes crashing out of the dark shadows.. enough to scare the fuck out of anybody.


Rhyno vanishes from the scene, as the view points down to the ground.. we fade out to the sound of rain splashing down on the pavements of Detroit.

Gored Into Fucking Oblivion : Mike Awesome [1]? Steve Corino [1]? Justin Credible [1]? Lance Storm [1]?