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When did someone think to eat yoghurt? I mean, anyone who knows that yoghurt is essentially rotten milk with the bacteria gone would feel the same.

When someone has a go at you and when you say 'what?' they go 'oh, don't worry'. It's not gonna matter a second time.

What Terry Pratchett calls 'marquee' fighting. The whole puffy chest, pushing around, not throwing hte first punch bullshit really gives me the shits. Aww come on, you want a go about you just try it, i'm right her, just try it, i'm right here, just try it, i'm right here........

The incredible lengths some people will go to to avoid homework. My sister locked herself out of disc... then created a new character. Honestly people, it's not going anywhere, better to get it done than to let it stew

Army Cadets."aww, hey we got to go awn caaaamp!! It was great, we got ration cheese and ration chocolate and the chocolates like ages old m'n'ms and if ya eat the chocolate it gives you diarhea and if ya eat the cheese you get constipated so the trick is to melt the choc onto the cheese (!!, also wouldn't that melt the cheese?) and eat them together, it's so funny... Oh, we got to fire the stire!!!*swoon* only blanks of course, but did you know it's the official rifle of the australian army? *swoon* oh, i got yelled at!! it was great!!"

Blockie Bogans who's cars aren't 'noice'. I'm talking bombadore, family cars and station wagons. And cake goes to the people we saw cruising along in an ok hatchback, with deeper waters by deadstar playing (i'm headed out where, the water is much deeeper, hardly cruising musak). Though honestly, when done well it's acceptable

Wu-Tangers. Black rhythms (if they can spell that), Black moves, black music, black clothes and lily-white skin. They is using bad-ass grammar and calling each other 'dawg' mostly fo' na kishizzles' fo dizzle. or something along those lines.

Linkin Park. Really, do these people have any clue about what they're talking bout? suicide and the suchlike? They sound like whiney bitches to these ears. So do limp bizkit btw.

LOR nerds who either haven't read the book or only read it for the movies. There IS a big brave world out there, and it beats up LOR nerds, for it is right and good, and brave and righteous. And so it came to be that...*BAM* ow...

Jane Austin. Boring stuff. If cups of tea and old fashioned courting is your thing, than this is the go for you. Otherwise, you should avoid at all costs.

Renault! chitty chitty bang bang...

Southern Cross Television. Ahh yes, good old southern cross, trying to appeal to people via sex appeal. It's ok with alias (note the 'it's not just action, it's HOT action' add) but honestly, they had an add with the ground force women in tight skivvys lifting thigns and it said something like 'they're hot... they're tough.. and they're bringing a bit of sex appeal to this boring back yard'. Wow... gardening sure attracts chicks... there go those LOR nerds... I also hope for the sake of this point that southern cross gets 'mile high', the show about air stewards having kinky sex on airplanes.

People who bicker about holden V ford. Really, yes ford may stand for Fixed Or Repaired Daily, but Holden is 'just holden in there'. And noone really cares about the plastic bag in the exhaust thing, the drivers really should be more considerate with their lunch bags.

Feminazi songs. Ok, first off independent doesn't rhyme with women. It's cleverly disguised by singing 'aww na wimin oo in-ni-pin-int'. Second, if you were carrying your leapord skin suitcase and wearing your leapord skin coat in the middle of the desert and someone offered you a lift, not once but thrice, would you be saying 'so you're a rocket scientist.. that don't impress me much! fuck off! i'll wait for the perfect, humble, dominatable husband to come along, thank you. Theres a point where it kinda gets ridiculous, and thats about it.

Nitpicking christians. Love thy neighbour, hate thy children's favorite thing. How many people under the age of 15 would make a mental link between pokemon and satan? would you? I think not.

Britany Spears' inability to keep a straight message in her music. Lets see now. There was 'i'm just a girl', a song about innocence and confusion as to identity. There was 'oops i did it again', a song about accidently attracting a guy, theres 'boys' a song about being a slut. Whoa, we've gone from 15 yo to 25 yo prostitute in... ooh about two songs!. Lets not forget hit me baby one more time, again about sex, but this time she's in a school uniform. Now who'd actually believed she'd passed school? even attended...

Boy Bands. Say no more, say no more

Sean Paul: Get Busy. If you want a laugh, listen to this song and read the lyrics at the same time. The lyrics are good. The guy just can't sing though! Go out, get some radiohead, get high, get depressed, be 'mellow'