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StondeRDayZ's Smoke Room


About Me





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This is my smoke room while away in cyber reality.


I like to write and I spend a lot of time online. These pages contained in this web site are my combinding of these two things. I have only a little clue as to where this site is going. I have no message or mission in mind as I work on this site. I make no promisess or guarantees in any way shape or form. If, for any reason you are unsatisfied then simply unclick yourself to another web site. If for some reason you feel the need to tell me about anything you can do so at But again I make no promisess or guarantees.

About Me Page

I think the name explains whats on this page. For those who still need it spelled out this is a page about me. Everthing in it is about me. I have made a page where I put down random thoughts. A link to this page can be found on the about me page.

Movie Page

I have three sections in the movies page. The fist is has a list of movies along with what they are about and what I think of them. The other two are list of actors and directors with their biographys and what I think about them.

Poker Page

I want to play poker professionally. I need to learn all I can so im making a page to put my notes and rules and what I learn. Alone with my records of tourniments. Starting today 10/14/05. I am also looking for people to bank me. This could mean a lot of money for those intrested and willing to take a chance.

Music Page

This page is all about the music I like. There is a list of a few songs with there lyrics.

Links Page

Links to the places I go on the net.


Added a random thought.

I created and added a new page. It is called Random Thoughts and is located on my about me page.

I redid the home page. I split things up into their own section.

I did some editing to my poker page. I also posted the resolts to games two and three and added a link to these game pages.