"What?! I'm adopted?!" Exclaimed a confused Mary. Her parents,June and Dan, nod- ded their heads together. "What do you mean? How come you never told me?" Asked Mary.
June sighed,"Because it was just never the right time. And you are twenty-one now."
Dan nodded,"Besides that your birth mother called yesterday and she wants to see you. You've got two half brothers and three half sisters."
"Where's she live?" Asked Mary.
"She lives right here in Flordia. Orlando to be exact. She wants the whole family to come down and meet you tomorrow." Replied June.
"If you don't want me to see them I won't." Mary said when she saw the sadness on her parents faces.
Dan shook his head and said,"Do what you wanna do sweetie."
"Yeah,what makes you happy,"June agreed.
Mary hugged them and said,"Well, if it's okey with you guys I would like to meet them. I do have some questions for...."
"Her name's Jane." June told her.
Mary nodded, "To ask Jane."

"You have a what?!" Asked a shocked Nick Carter.
"A daughter. Or I did,I gave her up for adoption."
"And, you want to see her tomorrow?" Asked Leslie. All the Carter kids were still trying to comprehend what their mother had just told them.
Jane Carter nodded,"I'd really like to meet her and have her meet you guys."
"You knew about this dad?" Asked B.J.
"Yeah, your mother told me before we got married." Answered Bob.
"Are you guys okey with this?" Jane asked her children.
"Sure, I'd love to meet her!" An excited Angel exclaimed. All five kids agreed, although Nick still couldn't believe what he'd been told.
He looked at his watch,"I gotta go. We've got rehersal at A.J.'s house." He left and drove to his bandmate A.J.'s house.

They started rehersing and after the tenth time of Nick messing up the dance steps and the lyrics Brian turned off the radio. He then faced Nick and asked,"Man what's wrong with you today?"
Nick tried to look innocent,"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with me."
"Get off it Nick,you're totally not here today. You're messing up dance steps and the songs. Come clean." Kevin said sternly.
Nick exhaled and said,"Fine." They all sat down in the livingroom and Nick told them what he'd learned that morning. "My mother had a daughter but gave her up for adoption. Well a year later she met my dad and they got married and now she's wanting to meet her daughter and have her meet us. She's twenty-one now and lives in Tampa."
When he was finished he saw that they were all looking at him in shock. "You serious?" Asked Howie.
Nick nodded his head,"As serious as a heart attack. We're suppossed to meet her tomorrow."
"You don't seem to happy." Stated A.J.
Nick shrugged,"I just found out about her this morning, an older sister I never knew I had. And, what if she doesn't even want to get to know us. I mean I wouldn't be too forgiving if I'd been given up for adoption. Would you guys?" The other four band members had to admit they wouldn't.
"Mabey she'll surprise you." Said Brian gently.
"Mabey,"Nick sighed.

It was the next morning and Mary got up. She was a devout Christian so she read her Bible and prayed. It was 11:00a.m. so she figured she'd better get ready. 'Want to make a good first impression', she thought to herself while she rummaged through her closet. She finally put on: black dress pants(that zipped in the back),a white short-sleeved shirt,black ankle boots,her W.W.J.D(What Would Jesus Do)bracelet,she put her chestnut- brown hair into a poneytail,and put in her little cat earrings. She heard the doorbell and figured it must be them. To confirm that her mother yelled,"Mary! They are here!"
"Coming mom! Give me a sec!" She looked in the mirror, took a deep breath, and walked downstairs. She walked into the livingroom and saw seven people sitting down.
She smiled timidly,"Hello."
Jane stood up and said, "Hi Mary. These are your half brothers and sisters:Angel, Aaron, B.J., Leslie, and Nick. Angel and Aaron are twins."
Mary shook each one's hand and Aaron said,"You're pretty."
She smiled,"Why thank you."
Jane asked,"Mary do you want to talk to me?"
Mary nodded,"I'd rather do it in private. If you don't mind."
"Not at all." Jane and Mary walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitc- hen table.
"Call me Jane,"Jane interupted.
Mary smiled,"Jane why did you give me up for adoption?"
A sad look crossed Jane's face and she answered,"I didn't know what else to do. I was only sixteen when I had you, I had no way to support you or anything."
"Well, why did it take you so long to come and see me?"
"I was scared to at first, thinking you'd hate me. But fin- ally it got to be too much and I just had to see how you turned out. And, Aaron is right,you turned out to be a beautiful woman."
"Thanks. But, I'm not going to be able to call you mom for a while, if ever."
"Honey I understand. For right now we can be friends."
Mary smiled,"Friends." Then Jane and Mary hugged and Mary thought to herself, 'My birth mother and I've been reunited. Thank you God.'

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