"She won't answer the phone or the door. What am I gonna do?" Nick Carter asked his bandmates: A.J. Mclean, Brian Litteral, Kevin Richardson, and Howie Dorough.
"What did you do to make her so mad?" Asked A.J.
"I don't know," Nick answered shrugging.
"I got an idea. Make her a tape and ask her why she's so mad at ya and send it to her. Mabey her curiousity will win out and she'll look at it." Suggessted Brian.
"It's worth a shot,"said Kevin.
"Yeah, whatcha got to lose?" Asked Howie with raised eyebrows.
Nick nodded, "You guys are right. I have nothing else to lose. I'll do it."
"We'll leave and give you some privacy." Said Brian. Brian, Kevin, Howie, and A.J. left and Nick was alone.

He got a blank video tape, put it in the camcorder, and placed the camcorder where it would be on him.
He started, "Hi Stacy. How are you? I was worndering what I did to make you so mad. I wanna sing this song for you." He took a deep breth and launched into "Don't Wanna Lose You Now" in a capella.

I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you, baby
Girl if I only knew what I've done
You know,so why don't you tell me
And I,I would bring down the moon and the sun
To show you how much I care

Don't wanna lose you now
Baby,I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no,or ever again

I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I've had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away

Don't wanna lose you now
Baby,I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no,or ever again

I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you

Don't wanna lose to lonliness
Girl I know we can win
Don't wanna lose to emptiness, oh no
Never again

Don't wanna lose you now
Baby,I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no, or ever again

"That, "Nick started again, "is how I feel about you and us. Please don't say I've lost you. Just please call, so we can talk about this. I love you Baby girl." He shut off the camcorder,put the tape in a envelope, and ran to put it in the mailbox before the mailman ran.

The next day Stacy McKeenan went to get the mail and saw a vanilla envelope marked: FRAGILE, VIDEO. When she saw the return address she stopped in her tracks. "Nick Carter. What does he want?" She asked outloud. She sat down in her livingroom and debated, outloud, whether to watch or not. "Should I watch it? Or Should I throw it away?" A minute later her curiostity won out and she popped the video into the v.c.r. It started playing and she noticed his smile. I love that smile, it's so cute, she thought. By the time it was over she was crying. Babygirl had always been his nickname for her and it made her cry harder. I know I should call him, but he's the one who hurt me. Mabey I should call so we can hash all this out, she thought to herself. Even as she was thinking it she was dialing Nick's number. "Hi Nick,it's me, Stacy. Come over, we need to talk." She prayed to God that she was making the right desision and that her eyes had betreyed her that night a week ago. Twenty minutes later Nick knocked on her door. "Come on in, "she told him. They sat down on the couch and Stacy said, "I got your tape today and watched it."
Nick nodded, "I hope you liked it. Because it's the truth and I really do wish you'd tell me why you're mad."
She exhaled and stated, "I saw you and Brenda last week." At his blank look she continued, "I saw you two kissing at the party. Why did you do that?" Stacy was trying to keep her tears from boiling over but she wasn't having an easy time of it.
Nick looked her squarley in the eyes and replyed, "I never kissed Brenda. She kissed me before I knew what was happening,but a split second later I pushed her off me. I swear Stacy, I would never hurt you. I love you too much."
"I wanna beleive you, but I saw it."
"Ask Brian, he saw the whole thing. Please beleive me." Stacy looked into Nick's eyes and she could see the sincerity there,and she whole-heartedly beleived him.
"Why did you not tell me and this whole thing could've been avoided?"
He shrugged, "Stupid I guess. I didn't want to hurt you, I'm sorry." Stacy smiled, through her tears, "It's okey. I'm sorry for acting the way I have." Stacy was silently thinking God for what Nick had just told her.
Nick and Stacy shared a kiss and he whispered, in her ear, "I love you, Babygirl."
