From the instant we met
We became friends
Nobody could explain
The chemistry we had within

"Guys this is my cousin Brian Littrell. Brian this is A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough, and Nick Carter."
A.J. was the first one to shake Brian's hand and said, in a English accent, "Howdy pard."
Howie shook his hand next and said, "Just ignore J. He's been hit upside the head too many times."
"Hey!," A.J. said.
Howie smirked and hit A.J. on the head, "See?" Brian and the others laughed. He looked at Nick and smiled, while Nick shyly smiled back.
"Okay guys, have a seat," Lou Pearlman said. They all sat down, with Brian between Nick and Kevin. An hour later the meeting was over and Brian was officially part of the Backstreet Boys.
"Ya all wanna play some b-ball?," Brain asked the guys.
A smile lit up Nick's whole face,"YES!"
"Well, someone sure is excited." Kevin said while laughing. Nick blushed and shrugged.
"Stop teasing him guys," Brian said. He threw his arm across Nick's shoulders and added,"Come on. Let's go."
Howie shook his head in amazement, "That's the quickest Nick's warmed upto any of us."
A.J. shrugged,"Yeah. But, let's go before they start the game without us."

As the years passed
We became as close as brothers
I knew we would be friends forever
I was young and naieve

"So, you guys are close friends?" Was a questions that a reporter from Teen magazine asked at a Backstreet Boys press conference.
"A.J. pretended to think, "Close friends? Nah.."
Howie slapped him on the head, causing everyone to laugh and Nick said, "We're closer than friends. We're brothers." The other four guys nodded to confirm their agreement.
"That's so sweet," the reporter gushed.
"What can we say?," Brian joked.
An hour later the conference was over and the guys walked backstage. "I really wish that the reporters could ask a different question once in a while," A.J. grumbled.
"Aw, hush up J. Quit complaining." Kevin said.
A.J. pretended to be insulted and started pouting. "Awww man! Now you got me acting like Nicky!" A.J. joked around.
"Hey!," Nick said indignatly. "And don't call me Nicky either!" Nick added as he stood to his full 6'1 height and looked down at his bandmate.
"Oooo, looks like little Nick is getting defensive," Brian kidded.
Nick said, "Okay I've had enough." He stalked towards Brian as Brian placed his hands in a surrendering gesture and backed up. When Brian backed up against the wall, Nick pounced on him. Nick grabbed him and put him in a palyful headlock. "Say Nick is the very best!," Nick told brian. Brian got a smirk on his face,"Nick is the very best..." Nick smiled triumphantly and let Brian go. Brian backed away and said, "Nick's the very best...whiner!"
"Frick! You'd better get back here!"
"Make me Frack!" The other three guys laughed their heads off as Nick sat off after Brian in a dead run.

A few more
Years passed
And I thought we
Were still like brothers
But little did I know
You were jamming a knife
Of betrayal in my back
For all to see

The Backstreet Boys were in a hotel in Sweden, it was there last night there for the recording session. They had finished recording the last song for the album an hour before. Nick had had to stay and talk to the band about his solo tour, since they were playing backup. He had told his fiance, Kimmy, that it would probley take a couple hours, but they finished early. As Nick walked toward his hotel room, he thought about Kimmy, and smiled. He was so grateful to have her in his life.They had been dating for a year and a half and he had asked her to marry him four months ago. Just thinking about it made him so excited and he loved her that much more. He quickened his pace, so he could see Kimmy faster. He slipped his keycard into the door and opened it. he scanned the sitting area and didn't see her, but he saw the bedroom door shut.
'Mabey she's sleeping,' he thought. It was, afterall, past midnight. He walked close and the closer he got the louder he heard a noise. Nick scrunched his face in confussion and opened the bedroom door. When he saw what was going on his mouth dropped open. When his mind registered what his eyes had seen, which only took a second, his shock turned to raging anger. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Nick screamed. When they heard the voice, two heads whipped around. They looked ashamed and guilty. They both hurridly jumped up and began hapahazardly throwing on their clothes. Neither one had never seen Nick as angry as he was, but they knew they couldn't blame him. Nick stormed out into the sittingroom, afraid of what he'd do if he didn't leave. A minute later Kimmy and Brian rushed into the room.
"Frack man---," Brian started but Nick interupted him.
"Don't call me that ever again."
"Baby, please just listen." Kimmy pleaded.
"I just wanna know one thing, how long has this been going on?" Kimmy and Brian both looked at the floor and Nick repeated the question, "How long?"
Brian sighed and knew he had to tell the truth, "Six months." Nick's eyes turned ice cold with anger and he yelled,"Six months?!" By then the other three guys were standing in the hallway along with the bodyguards and band members. Nick guessed they heard him, because he had left the door open. Kevin, A.J., and Howie stepped into the room.
"What's going on?," questioned Howie. Nick ignored them and went on talking to Kimmy and Brian.
"How could you do this to me? Both of you." He turned and looked at Brian and Brian cringed at the hate he saw directed towards him, "You've been doing this for six months. I had you help me plan the way to propse to her, all the while you laughing at me like I'm a fool!"
Nick took a deep breath and A.J. started, "Nick what---."
Nick interupted," All this time I considered you a brother and you were just screwing me over." He laughed bitterly,"Or should I say screwing her?!" When the others heard this everything fell into place. They looked at Nick, Kimmy, and Brian in shock.
"Brian? What were you thinking? What about Leighanne and the baby?" Kevin demanded to know.
Brian hesitantly looked at the other three band members, "Leighanne and I have an agreement. When we are away from each other we do our own things."
Nick snorted, "Couldn't find anyone willing to 'do' you other than my fiance?!"
"Baby please....," Kimmy started.
Nick threw his hands up and walked out into the hallway, everyone following him.
"Nick, I'm sooo sorry, please forgive me. Forgive us." Brian pleaded. Nick shook his head, but kept silent.
"Nick, just talk to them. I'm sure you three can get past this if you try." Kevin said softly.
Nick shook his head and looked at them with cold hurt eyes, "You're wrong this time Kevin. There is no engagement or friendship to salvage this time. It's over."
"Frack--," Brian started.
"I told you not to call me that and I really don't want anything to do with you or her. I have my solo cd out, I have a solo tour coming up, and I helped finish the Backstreet cd. It's over, I want out of this group. Good-bye." With that said, Nick turned his back on everyone and walked away from the group and Brian's friendship.
(Lyrics by me as far as I know, haven't seen them before..hehe)

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