Hello and welcome to "Nickokapo's how to draw TMNT for the lame", if you are lame and cant draw a frickin' turtle, this is for you!
Ok, first of all you gotta have paper, if you dont have paper where else are you gonna draw?the walls of your house?so your parents can give you the whoopin' of your life?!
So get some paper.
Then you'll need a pencil.
...and an eraser in case you make some kind of mistake, and you probably will if you need this guide, einstein.
All right, now you got your very own artist toolbox!
STEP 1: Now draw a line, you dont want your turtle to be magically floating in limbo...unless you are making a "turtles flying in limbo" fanart, but you arent:

STEP 2: It should look like the picture above, if you cant draw THAT then you should cram the pencil up...err...you should give up fanart. Now the next step, draw a circle, it should look like this:

STEP 3: All right!It's starting to look like a ninja turtle! Now, and this is *very* important, draw the rest

All right!Now just remember those steps and you could be the next kevin eastman!
And remember:

If your drawing looks like the first one then try again, you probably didnt get one of the steps right (I'll go on a limb and say it was step 3).
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