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This is where you will find evilness. As in the things in life that are out to get you. It's not your own paranoia, it's FACT!!! Which means it could be a factamajo, but it's much too evil. Okay? Okay.

So this is the web and being best friends with the kel I have realized that most things in life are evil and yes there has been proof that they are evil!!!

Okay, here comes the evilism.

SQUARES are evil. Evidence? The day that Kel told Web this, Web almost got choked by a square cracker. AND she made mini-drawing of the Twin Towers, and the windows were almost square.

STAIRS are evil. (Kel is afraid of them.)

The BUNNY (note capital 'B') is evil. (On another note entirely, bUNNIES [That's WITHOUT a capital 'b'] are cute.) Evidence? The Bunny fell on Kel twice in a row.

WIRES are evil.

PAPER is evil.

SHOES are evil. Evidence? Take The Devil Sandals, The Death Traps, and The Ducky Boots. (Kel's footwear.) All are evil. But can you guess which are the evilest of all? The sneaky sqeaky ones, yes. The Ducky Boots. They are the evil footwear mastermind. Also known as Squeak and Squawk, these notorious criminals will at first appear to be not-to-warm shoes that aren't too high and look like rubber ducky boots. The fact is, they are falling apart on the inside and out, when new the backs make you bleed, and if you walk to far in them you will become disoriented and both of your entire legs will want to fall off.

BRAINS are evil.


The ones be damned, but they are not evil.

And the web (me) knows brains are evil cause mine does diddley squat!!

YOUR FACE is evil. Sorry, I had to...

Ears are crazy.



TWO LETTER WORDS THAT START WITH 'I' are evil. (See Ageless: Kel's World)

DUCKS are evil.

KEYBOARDS are the supreme evil. Except for Sam's. Sam's keyboard is good. Good Sam.