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I'm creating this site to fill you people in on me and my life or lack there of, so on with the info.
Several friends of mine and myself have decide to open an import car club we have decided to call it Southern Fried composed mostly of Honda Civics and Honda CRX at the moment a Nissan 240 is on the way in and no at the moment we don't have a digital cam so there wont be pics of the cars for a bit but as soon as we start getting pics they will be on this site.

Other than the car club I am about to go to the montains for the weekend with my girlfriend and stay in a cabin its our 1 year ann. so we decided to do something alittle special. and just for the record I'm not happy in my relationship but then again is anybody really happy anymore? Not that I know of, any how I think that's enough said for the moment.

If You have any comments,questions or suggestions you can reach me at this email

some pics of me and freinds
This is my Car