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“You can never have too much fun  when the ideas are endless!”

         A couple of weeks ago me and  my friend Miranda started a new project in our high school computers class. Little did we know the project was going to be loads of fun.  Our teacher assigned us to create a commercial. After we chose our partners she asked us to brainstorm ideas for the product to be– it only has to benefit a student.

              Well, after a couple of minutes we had come up with some of the most intriguing ideas for the main show. After we had gotten our teacher’s opinion on what to chose we reluctantly tried to focus on only  our Turbo Ready 4000. I know the name sounds cheesy, but once you see the commercial, you will agree we chose an appropriate name.

              From there on we worked on the product that was supposed to get you ready in one minute or less. Luckily, for me my friend had went to a video production class in the 8th grade. So she showed me how to work the camera and do neat little techniques. So after many days of work it is finished and I would like to show it to you. Please sit back and enjoy.

Text Box:     
Turbo Ready 
THE Commercial

Click Here to view!!!!!

This is our logo

“Mornings made easy.”